its it over

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At the mall
Yanna POV
So u at the mall checking out girl no gay shit but for my nigga fade and df ..... We see winter ameana and this bitch from school named halo and the bitch got nerve to come and try and fight

Winter I see y'all boyfriends not here to hold y'all back so wassup

Me bitch u got nerve

Stank she sholl do

Halo lele u cant dress and u ugly asf and I will jump yo bitch as- gco

Lele no bitch u call me aaliyah and ugly bitch were

Ameana yo face duh df

Emaja hold df I know u not talking amena amana wat ever df yo name is long neck ass hell naw df u that looks down at halos shoes and slaps the shit outta them bitch what the fuck r those I know u not

Me and aaliyah was dien laughing

Lele oh shit laughing I'm done

They walk off mad asf I was still laughing

Me nooo I'm stomach hurt laughing omg she wasn't ready

Zoey Jesus take the wheel throws hands up

Lele POV

I was dien laughing at emaja stank yanna and zoey until I saw this fine ass girl with a big booty I mean she was sexy my booty big but hers was woah work out i went to go talk to her so my nigga fade could work out she was a petty dark skin with a tounge ring and some bad ass pretty eyes bad ass bitch with a pricing on her lip n toung

Me hey wats ur name

?? Mini

Me ooo I love ur name

So me n her talked then went to the house and all the boys was stairing at her but she was all on jalen

Mini giggling

Jalen u crazy

Zoey whispers lele u see that shit right

Me sip my tea yupp

Stank want me n emaja to get that bitch

Yanna u know im not a fighter but .....

Me nope i gco

I look and saw jalen kissing mini and like i wasnt in the room with that shit like i wasnt their



I didnt know what to do i would usually fight but i was broken

Jalen no she kissed me no bae

Me i -i-i

Zoey wtf wrong with u

Yanna thats it mini

Yanna ran up to her and started fighting her but the boys broke it up

Ken lele u ok

Me i bust out crying i hate u jalen i hate u

Fade lele wait

Stank wtf wrong with u jalen damn nigga really

Jalen she kissed me

I ran out side because i couldnt take it nomo till i felt someone pick me up and put me n a car to a house

Me who r u ...HELP

?? My names jacob and i saw u crying and pluse it was raining and we go to the same school in 5th period

Me oooo yea

Jacob so do u need any thing

Me some clothes to change in to

Jacob ok i got u

How was it and im still looking for fades gf

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