date pt 2

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Lele pov

Lele gasp and cover mouth with hands

Jalen grabs the box and gets on one knee and pulls out a ring that said queen I start trying not to cry I look up at the ceiling without moving my head a whip my tear with my thumb

Jalen I know I gave you one on Christmas but it wasn't right how I did it grabs my hand I wanna do this right bae you my everything I need you one day I hope to start a family with u I want to right now but we are still young and I don't wanna rush u into anything but I want you u to know u mines when I got to know you I knew you was the one I love that's why I am giving you this promise ring because you are my queen slides ring and my finger

Lele I love you too tears start coming down emaja gone beat my ass laughs

He gets up and hugs me and then I noticed he had a ring on that said king we kissed and I herd the other couples clapping

He sets back down

then pulls out another box out the inside of his suit jacket

Lele damn nigga how many boxes u got

Jalen this the last one

Lele opens it aww baaaeee

He gets behind me and I pull up my hair and he puts on my necklace

He sits back down

Lele baabiiii

Jalen yeah

Lele u got cake on your face

Jalen where

Lele umm right here put icing on his face

Jalen its like that ??

Lele yupp its like that

Jalen ohok flicks icing and it lands on jaja's dress

Lele jalen this is jaja dress!!!!
Jalen I went with fade to pick it out for her we can go buy one when we leave

Lele weeelllllll ok flicks cake on him

Jalen whipes icing on my face

Lele really

Jalen ok lemme lick if off

Lele eww no he gets on top of me I try to push him off but he licks the icing off eww u nasty

Jalen I know licks lips

I smile and bit my lip

Jalen lets go

Lele ok

He put $155 on the table

Lele boii all of that for some nasty ass cake

Jalen your worth it looks me in the eyes and smile

I blush and walk out doin my lil sexy cute walk in my heels I turn around all cute and catch jalen watching my ass

Lele u comin

Jalen yeah

We get in the car and it was just so tense I wanted him to take me now and I could tell he wanted to by they way he kept glancing at my body most my thighs my dress showed a little of my boobs at the top plus a had on a push up bra

curly head nationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें