Dawn and Dusk (Sep. 13 2010)

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A/N: Okay...let me explain. I have nothing to explain. Enjoy. :P

I woke up in a cage and bolted up quickly. I certainly was terrified, wouldn't you be? I stood up and banged my head against the metal celling.

This could only fit a dog! I thought and rubbed my head. Where am I?

I heard cheering and applause coming from...somewhere...I'm not entirely sure, though. 

"Get her ready and the next boy too!" Shouted a man holding a clipboard and microphone attached to he's ear.

I felt arms pick my cage and I toppled over and hit my head, hard. I soon after heard the shouting of a 16 year old guy and the violent kicks he gave the men carrying him. 

The nerve of that guy! Why would you kick them? I thought angrily.

The nerve of me? The nerve of you! We're freaks! The 16 year old thought to me. 

I looked over my shoulder and saw the boy staring at me deviously, planning my death or something. He punched the metal bars once more then licked he's fist, clearing all the blood.

I grabbed the metal bars and gripped them tightly till the bars made a crssshhh sound. I stared at the bars and saw blood dripping down the bars. I tumbled backwards and looked at my hand. 

Why, do I have so much strength? I thought terrified. 

The men unlocked me and shoved me out on stage. At the center point I met up with that guy from before. He kept growling and clenching he's fists angrily. 

"Subject #2670!" Said the announcer and pointed to the boy. "Vershin!"

Vershin growled and spread out he's long dark wings. He soared up and knocked down everything. I screamed when he was meters away from me and he leaned down.

"Don't touch me!" I growled, pointing at him. "If you..."

"Shut up and listen! Spread out your wings and fly we've got to go!" Vershin shouted and grabbed my hand. "It's a life or death situation! C'mon!" 

I did as he asked and ran behind him still holding he's sweaty hand. We soared powerfully up into the night sky and raced to somewhere dark and safe.

"What was that?" I asked Vershin panting. 

"Level 1 of Hell..." Vershin said letting go of my hand. "Call me Dusk, Vershin is a stupid, fucking name."

"Your telling me..." I muttered.

Dusk glared at me and asked me what my name was. I simply replied and said Dawn. He snickered and leaned against the tree's trunk. 

"What?" I wondered looking at Dusk-who was barely visible. 

"Nothing, it's just..." Dusk said and turned to face me. "Dawn and Dusk, to different personalities."

That never phased me...well-till now.

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