Is She Gone? (Nov.13 2010)

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A/N: This is one of my most liked stories. So, I hope you enjoy it :)

The only thing I could think of right now was; is she gone?

Brandi's POV

I was leaned over my binder with a textbook opened and laid on. I hadbeen studying for that big History test coming up was so boring. To many dates to memorize. 1845, 2005, 1734, 1492, 1174.... I rotted my brain just thinking about them all. 

"Brandi, study hall's over. Let's go. Don't want Ms. Little to whip our asses." My boyfriend, Kane, said and helped me up. I rubbed my eyes groggily and clenched Kane's arm tightly. I felt him wince. I released. "Get up, already!" 

Brizy and Liza came over and yanked me up. I stumbled over and gripped the chair. I clearly didn't want to get to class right now. French is my least favorite subject, I hate how it's mandatory for us to learn it. It's all so confusing!

"Bran! Get the fuck up!" I heard Kane shout at me. I let my grip go and fall backwards. Kane caught me in the nick of time before my head exploded. "Let's get going."

I stumbled to French, dreading the test that we had next. I fell into my seat and threw my pencil case on my desk then slumped back and waited for the test to be handed out. 

It was quiet. I could only hear the sound of pencils scribbling. I tapped my pencil angrily against my forehead. How the hell do you do futur simple? I mean it's so frigging hard! Je Good enough. Ms. Little rang her little bell and barked for us to hand our test in. Crap. I didn't even do half of the test! I stumbled up front and slammed my paper on the desk then slumped back down in my chair. I'm so gonna flunk French.

Suddenly the principle crashed through the door and pushed up his gold framed glasses. He scanned the class and pointed to me, Brizy and Kane. Behind the principle I saw my sister, brother, Connor and Liza; all panting exhausted. 

I shot up from my seat and ran as fast as my cripple legs could. Kane jumped from his seat and followed behind me carrying my bag and his. I felt my legs give out as I crashed against the floor. My vision went blank and my body raced with agonizing pain. 

"Brandi!" I heard my siblings and friends call. But the voice that I didn't hear was Kane.

Kane's POV

I broke down next to Brandi and rested her against me. She was unconscious. Shit. I picked her up and carried her all the way up to the principle. I face him with stern eyes then looked down at Brandi.

"What?" I asked in the nicest voice I had. 

"Her mom...and dad. One has checked out." The principle said with dismay. Obviously that bitch didn't mean it because he wasn't even close to Brandi, like I was. "New Westminister Hospital. I'll let you all skip."

I shoved past him and barked at Brizy to grab my stuff. She shot up like a deer then quickly grabbed everything and sprinted after me. I raced down the halls clutching Brandi in my arms. Many people stared, I wouldn't blame them. But many people gave concern. Barely anyone knew who Brandi was, but they gave concern. 

Connor hurried to his car and unlocked it. I hurried in the back along with Brizy. I looked up at Brandi's siblings.

"What about you guys?" I questioned and rested Brandi on the seat next to me. They shook their heads and ran off in another direction. I saw them start the engine of a Harley Davidson and hop on. "What in the...?"

Liza's POV

I looked out the window with my face pressed against it. I was bored and scared. I was scared for Brandi and her parents. Brandi wasn't used to all this drama. Her grudge wasn't regular like ours. 

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