The 35th Century (Jun. 13 2011)

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A/N: This was for a contest on HSH, an app for iTouches/Phones (and I think iPad, idk). Enjoy!

"I swear," My best friend, Anexirea (Ah-next-e-rah), began and stuffed another pile of garbage into the Zip and watched the Zip slowly melt the pile of garbage into ash. I pushed a strand of blonde behind my ear and laid on the hovercraft. "if I have to clean up another Sector, I'll ashen."

I laughed and sat up from where I was laid. I stretched and adjusted the sleeves of my silver, stretchy uniform. "I know, but the Mothers want us to be the best we can be." I replied and peeled myself off of the hovercraft to help Anexirea load the Zip on it. She struggled as she firmly placed her hands around the Zip. "Maybe," I struggled to keep my grip on the large robot incinerator. "we should just go to the moon."

"Nah, I was thinking Mars."

"It's too red. I'm allergic to red." I joked sarcastically.

"Right...." Anexirea said slowly, obviously not catching on to my sarcasm. In a distance I saw Veztor, a fellow clone who've I've taken a recent liking to since I was fourteen, run his blue holographic finger through his 'Beiber' cut hair. I nudged Anexirea hard and gestured towards Veztor. "Hey! Veztor! Hey!"

"Please help us!" I smiled widely and turned my Thought-LRV3 (Thought-ListeneRVersion3) along with my Vi-Com-Glasses (Virtual-Computer-Glasses), after I slipped them off. I let go of the Zip momentarily and contact our major Mother for this sector. "Mother number 98354, Sector X negative four is complete we have called for assistance from clone 54889. I will contact you in five minutes for departure."

"Well done student 54783. I will be awaiting for your departure." The monotonous Mother voice replied and blanked my screen. I slipped my Vi-Com-Glasses in my safety case along with my Thought-LRV. I watched as Veztor sky rocketed down from the crimson sky and land roughly next to me. I never noticed how long it took Anexirea and I to clean up this Sector....

Veztor helped load the Zip on the hovercraft just as Anexirea fastened her safety belts and slipped on her Virtual equipment. I helped Veztor lock the Zip into place at the back of the hovercraft and sat in the driver's seat. I pressed the 'Glass Sealant' button and then peeled off the safety, recycled plastic cover. Slowly I was passed my equipment, minute after minute, I became closer to realize it was only thirty-five seconds away from five minutes. Quickly I triggered the Vi-Comp-To-Screen (Virtual Computer Touch Screen) and watched it dome around the glass sealant. I touched 'Mothers' and scrolled to Mother 98354. I typed my apology and confirmation for ready to depart.

Anexirea pulled up a new tab and read out our next assignment just as I received an approval for our departure in twenty seconds. "No new assignment report immediately to Emergency Hall." Anexirea said slowly, gulping as she spoke. Veztor was either clicking a thousand buttons to clean the Zip or playing an old vintage game from the twenty-first century. I quickly strapped myself in safety belts and rested my hands on the yellow button that read in white letters 'SLOW'. I pressed just after the clock beeped loudly a song from 'Jax and Mizira', my favorite duo since I was twelve. The hovercraft slowly began until I pressed on the green button with midnight black letters 'AVERAGE'. I pulled up my driver's boxes and placed them neatly around me. "Hovercraft 023 is on your left, dip slightly."

I drew a little arc on the screen and felt the hovercraft jerk slightly to the right. I heard everyone groan. "Sorry!" I called and continued to steady the ship. There was an automatic setting for this hovercraft, I (and Anexirea), preferred the manual setting. It's way more fun than just sitting and waiting until you arrive. I continued to draw a path until the hovering glass mall was near our right. I took my palm and gently pushed upwards until we were well above any shops or repairing centers. The 'Automatic' button blinking brightly at me, telling me that all the action was over. I clicked it reluctantly and unstrapped my safety belts. Anexirea peeled herself off of the passenger seat and pressed a 'lounge' setting and waited for the pure white couches, deep chocolate wood and bags of snacks to appear. Veztor quickly unstrapped his safety belts and shut the cleaner down. I lay on a couch exhausted and closed my eyes.

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