J'Adore (November 5 2012)

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Paris sighs, sitting carefully on the swing as she sways carefully and minimally. Her light golden blonde hair flows behind her as she keeps her cerulean blue eyes trained on her simple pink Chanel flats. "Stupid Valentin, going around an blurting idiotic lies." She mumbles, gripping the rusty chains tighter. "Playing with my emotions."

A tall and lean man with dark espresso hair and gentle yet playful emerald eyes appears before the blonde. "Salut Estelle." He greets, a thick Québécois accent rolling off his words.

Paris furrows her brows and averts her eyes. "C'est quoi j'ai dis? Laissé-moi! Vous m'énerve!" a magnificent French 'R' rings on her last word as she shoots up. The alabaster handkerchief dances to the wood chips of the park as she glares at Québec.

"Tu m'écoutes pas." Québec grimaces and grabs Paris' wrist.

"J'en veux pas tes mots ridicule!" she spits. Her azure eyes shoot icicles at the menacing boy as she tries to pry her hand away from the fair flesh hand, but this only enrages him more. His grip ferociously tightens and threatens to cease Estelle's blood flow. "Valentin!" she cries, a whimper whispering through the name. "Arrête!"

Valentin presses his forehead against his admired. His mysterious forest seeking eyes bore into the shaking oceanic eyes of the girl. She's afraid. "Écouter moi." He instructs tersely. The blonde nods respectively. "J'adore vous, Estelle." He kisses her nose. "Je t'aime."

Suddenly the once pale flesh of the admired heats up to a vivid red. "Don't kiss me like that." She whispers, not daring to sneak a peek at his eyes. "Don't say words you don't mean."

"Don't deny it." Valentin chuckles.

"What am I denying?"

"Votre amour." He sings then laughs but leaves the smirk thickly embossed upon his lips.

The girl rolls her eyes, an amused grin playing upon her lips. "J'adore Valentin." She whispers under her breath, still staring at the scenic area that surrounds them.

Tall chocolate trunks with shimmering and delicate jade jewels. Beneath them lay coffee stained chips and espresso drowned ground that squelched as you press a foot against it. The sky is an ocean with achromatic fish that take many forms and sizes. Though air was transparent and seemingly invisible, it is pink with hearts. It carries the scent of roses and chocolates. The sound of "Hymne À l'Amour" by Édith Piaf circles around them and wraps them together tightly.

It is perfect.

"Je t'aime." They both say softly before colliding lips. The instruments drown the two as they feel light and airy. The arms of Valentin cradle Estelle's waist as her feminine hands cup her admirer's cheeks. It deepens and cheeks burn with color. Lips moist against one another, and the sweet chirping of birds back up the ending of the song.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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