Alike.... (Oct. 3 2010)

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A/N: I used the song 'Numb' by Linkin' Park :) It's really short :P 

I ran and ran over boulders, under bridges and swam in the dirty waters of the Pacific. You wanted me to be faithless and strong but I didn't know what you expected me to be...At times you pressured me to 'walk in your shoes' You caught me in the undertow every time I took a step towards you. But every step I took I became more numb that I couldn't feel you. I became tired of your stupid barking orders but they made me more aware, that I wanted to become...more like me and ignore you. You kept smothering but not in a sweet a rather gruesome way. You held me tightly afraid that if you didn't I'd lose control. You saw the me you took so much time making fall apart right in front of you. You waste all your time on me...and I wasted every second on your stupid orders. Both you and I knew that I may end up failing. But only I know that you and I were so much alike. We both had someone disappointed in us.

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