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You have five new messages from harrystagram.

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Harry: *picture of a well*

Harry: *picture of a well*

Harry: *picture of a well*

Harry: what do we have here

Harry: do you see what i did there? cause the wells? like if i was saying well well well *yodels with laughter*

Louis: *cuz. cause is actually not the correct word you are looking for. It is cuz' since it is an abreviation of because. Cause is like... you know... like the cause of global warming is cuz' all these idiots destroy our planet

Louis: And we have a Louis here?

Harry: well esqueeze me señor but i did not ask for a lesson ew bye

Harry: and yes there it a lot of you here. because of all those likes... ;)

Harry: I mean I know I'm sexy but damn ;)

Louis: hah. you see, that was a friend

Harry: A friend?

Louis: uh yeah

Harry: I donut believe you (I'm eating a donut right now so it's funny/relevent. It has rainbow spinkles)

Louis: I might have maybe probably liked a few...

Harry: mmmmm

Louis: like my finger slipped a couple of times

Harry: I see xD

Louis: :( don't bully me i'm just a fun size little child

Louis: Or do you want that full size ;)))))))

Harry: full size please :0

Louis: oops it looks like we just ran out. hmm. better luck next time

Harry: i'm like sweating now why would you deprive me of such things

Louis: I like to leave a bit to imagination

Harry: I see I see

Harry: hey but like on a real note thanks. The likes were very nice. Good to know someone thinks I'm decent :)

Louis: Hey no definitely. It was my pleasure lol. And you are more than decent trust me. Your like best looking person I've met on this site

Louis: not that your looks are all that matter. Well you look really good but you are also very nice and yeah but like I don't want to say that good looks and being nice are all you have cuz' I'm sure there is way more to you that I just need to dig from deep inside you.

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