Tea Lights

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{Frank's POV}

I checked the time on my phone.

Two minutes past nine.

I was on time.

Why this time anyway?

It was starting to go dark now.

Only one way to find out I suppose.

I knocked on the Way's front door and waited.

A moment later, it opened to reveal Mikey wearing a black suit.

The fuck?

"Mikey?" I frowned.

He looked less than amused.

I felt underdressed in my school shirt and black jeans.

"What's going on?"

"Welcome, Frank," His voice was monotone, "Come with me."

He stood next to me on the path and shut the front door.

I followed him silently as he led me to the back garden.

Was that... Music?


It got louder as we approached the back garden.

I knew it was The Misfits from here.

Why were they playing The Misfits in their back garden at nine o'clock at night?

I was definitely intrigued now.

We turned the corner to see like, hundreds of tea lights all over the place.

What the fuck-

"Can I go now?" Mikey asked, stopping.

"Fine," Someone said.

I frowned.

Mikey disappeared back the way we had come.

I looked around the garden.

Tea lights flickered.

I noticed a table in the middle of the garden with a bunch of flowers on it.


Gerard was stood behind the table looking incredibly nervous.

"Hey," I slowly walked up to the table.

The flowers were roses and...

Were they painted black?

I stopped in front of the table.

"What's going on?" I picked up one of the roses.

They were definitely black.

Had Gerard painted them?

I looked back up at him.

Unlike Mikey, he was just wearing his black jeans and a faded Iron Maiden t-shirt.

"I know this is horrifically cheesy," He smirked, "But I couldn't just come out and ask you randomly."

I frowned.

What was he talking about?

He picked up a small remote and pressed a button on it.

The music went quieter.

He walked around the table and stopped next to me.

I watched as he took the rose out of my hand and placed it on the table.

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