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{Gerard's POV}

I couldn't stop smiling.

I probably looked like a creepy psychopath.

Especially with the swollen eye.

It hurt like hell but I didn't care anymore.

That was the last thing on my mind.

Who cared about that anymore?

There was only one thing I couldn't get off of my mind.

I... I had a boyfriend.

And not just any boyfriend.

I had Frank... And I couldn't be happier!

Although, I was nervous about tomorrow.

What would people say at school?

Should I tell people or let them find out on their own?

I didn't have the guts to tell anyone.

I'd leave that up to Frank.

Of course, I was scared but for some reason I was okay with people finding out.

I didn't feel ashamed or anything.

This actually surprised me.

But then again, who would be ashamed of going out with Frank Iero?

The answer to that question was no one because Frank was fucking amazing.

I smiled as I thought of him.

I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

Would it be awkward between us?

That was what I was thinking about when there was a knock on my bedroom door.

I glanced at it.


The door opened and my mum popped her head round it.

"Hey, Sweetie. I haven't seen much of you tonight."

Same as any other night.

What was so different about tonight?

"Uh yeah, I guess," I shrugged.

She opened the door a bit more.

"Are you okay?"

Why was she choosing today to be an overprotective mum?

I didn't mind but it was a little out of the blue.

"Yeah," I answered.

She frowned at me then and came into the room properly.

"Gerard..." She continued to frown.

"What?" I was confused.

Had I done something wrong?

"What's... What's wrong with your eye?"


I had forgotten about that.

My hand automatically went up to my left eye that was still swollen.

I didn't want her to see it.

Although, she probably would.

My mum sat next to me and tried to look at my eye.

"Let me see please, Gerard."

She sounded worried and I knew she wouldn't let this go anytime soon

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