American Noise

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copy right is mine plese do not steal my stories i will gladly let you use my ideas if you just ask and if your copy at ekast give me credit :) and if any of my stories are like ones you've read before please nicley let me know because honestly these are all my ieads but ayye....great minds think alike :) ~God Bless :)

this is inspired by Skillet's latest song "american noise" i always title my stories after songs and honestly this song just gets to me so much it really speaks to me God obviously knew i needed some way to vent myself what better way to write a book based off a song by my faovrite band and a glimpse of what i wish i could do. whichis actually stand up. yes i have a good life i really do i have no reason to be upset about anything my frineds are great but sometimes i feel people just dont get's like a preview..a prolouge i guess :)

I screamed into my pillow annoyed at the world at everyone with their stupid arrogant thoughts of “Oh I’m so much better than you” and all this other crap I really didn’t want to hear about. I sat there crying after I’d screamed my lungs out. Some many emotions too much to deal with. I pulled out my guitar and starting singing. Singing through the pain and the hurt and the love and the confusion singing. Brings it all to the top makes it clear and sorts out my thoughts it calms me. Relaxes my soul. I rely on singing to get me through the stupid American dream. Yeah that’s right American dream. NOT. I love that song that switchfoot sings American dream cuz it describes everything so perfectly. I turned my radio on and heard the familiar voice of John Cooper. Hmm don’t recognize the song...I guess this is they’re new one I got all excited and sat listening to it. The lyrics made me cry they were so true. It was like God’s sending me a message through my favorite band. American Noise. I have voice I can break through it. And I will. This is MY American dream and MY time to speak up and break through the American noise.

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