Ice Cream

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A/N: ok all sooo...please comment or there will be no more updates :) i really want feedback guys i want to know what YOU think all i ask is for at LEAST one comment thats all is it to much?? htnaks mah lil panda bears have a great day :)

COPYRIGHT @SiriusPadBlackFoot

Virginia Rose. My best friend, we’d known each other for our whole lives but were never really close, then when everything fell apart for me and I made a few bad choices and all my supposed “friends” left me hanging she’d stuck by me. She’d changed, for the better though, came out of her shell little and even found a loving husband. They were both my good friends now. Though even I was a few months older than them both they felt like older siblings and nearly treated me like is as their daughter at times. I quickly changed into a pair of faded light blue jeans with white wash designs all over them and then a black camie with a purple and black plaid shit over top. I threw on a hoodie then looked down to see it was Ross’…I can’t believe I still had it much less wear it…whatever I thought I grabbing bright purple suitcase and tossing stuff into it. I pulled on my old cow boy boots that I now wore for the barn. And grabbed and apple and my keys lugging my suitcase I walked out to my car, a neon green dodge challenger WITH the two black stripes on the hood. I tossed the suit case in the back seat and finished my apple before plugging my phone in to charge on the ride over, it was a good hour’s drive. I turned on some music and then pulled out. I pulled into the long drive to they’re house Alfred opening the gates at the first site of my car, and as soon as I parked in front of the rustic Victorian farm house mansion, Virginia came running out. I hopped out of the car and ran to meet her, id barley gotten to eh before our hug was interrupted by a giant bear hug form her husband. “Haha hey Grang its good to see you” I said alguh and hugging Virginia and then Grang seprelty. I put an arm around both of them and we headed toward the house where a little mess of flying pig tails jumped at me. I laughed and I wrapped my arms around Grang and Vinny’s small daughter. My god daughter, she was just the custest thing ever. She had tanned skin and cute brown hair with nartaul golden highlights all curly and pulled into silky pig tails. She ws rally small and fraile looking but was the strongest lititel girl I knew. We actualy thougt we were gonna lose her for awhile there but then she pulled through stronger than ever. I glanced at Virginia and said “so when were you going to tell me about a new addition on the way?” nodding my head to her protruding sotmache.

She grinned at me and said. “well…he/she or they were suppose to be a surprise, that’s why we didn’t tell you til you got here..or rather you questioned. You never did have much patience, I still don’t get how your so good wit children” she said smiling at little Alexis in my arms. I grinned and stated “it’s the child in me, that never leaves” before putting Alexis down and racing her to the giant jungle gym in the back yard, calling that I take my bag out later. We played out there for hours and I couldt help thik occasional;y of all the dyas I spent with Dalton and Ross and they’re siblings at the park. Oh..Dlaton and Ross are twins in case you were wondering. (A/N: I changed it I don’t remember exactly what id said beofore but im deciding they’re twins it sounds better XD). Id spent hour palying with htem there, and the three if us watchuing the childrena dn talking about our futures and the missions trip to africa where we saw all the orfend children all three of us saying we would adopt children for sure. I felt tears prick my eyes an felt a small warm hand slip into my own cold one. I looked down to see Lexi peering up at me with a look of worry on her small face. “you kay, Aunt Del?” I smiled at her laughing silently at her nick name for me. “yeah, yeah Aunt Del is fine Lex, what do you want to do?” I asked her picking her up and putting her on the swing next to me. She grinned at my slyly. “I know that look I said, do you want to go get ice cream?” “ah hah” she nodded buting her lip trying to surpress a smile. I laughed at her cute little face and said “ok but lets go tell Mommy and Daddy where we’re going so Aunt Del doenst get in trouble again, sides maybe Mommy wants some ice cream for the baby” I sia dgrabbing her hand as we walked up the back steps to the huge enclosed pourch that wrapped around we headed int eh back door coming into the mud room we took off our shoes and went to find Grang and Vinny as we walked through gaint house we heard vices coming from the tea room as headed there. As we drew closer I was listening to Alexis’ excited able and didn’t notice the extra voice, until I came in and came to an abrut hault seeing. Him. Sitting there. I glared at Vinny and Grang who both looked me with onccoent faces. And Ross who looked confused. Id forgotten Grang and Ross were college buddies, that’s how Vinny had gotten to know Gran they hung out and became close while I moved into DC. Completely abandoned by all my frieds, tough Virginia ahd tried to get me to come back and just tlak to everyone I refused whne I quesitoenr her “do they want me back”? and she had no answer. They didn’t even know id come back nor thatd I come and gone. For good. I was snapped back to reality, when I ehard Vinny ask. “Adele are you ok?” before blackness consumed me.

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