shouldnt have listened to my heart

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A/N: heey guise watched the last sogn AGAIN today :'( love love love that movie :) haha anywaaay hope you guys like this next chapter please comment :)

It was nearly noontime and we were getting a LOT more people in for lunch, so we were rushed and very us I went up to a table that had just been seated not looking up still looking at my note pad pen ready I said. “Hi I’m Adele and I’m your server today, are you ready to order or would you like to just start with drinks”. I heard a surprised gasp and then “Ady??” I looked up startled my eyes widen to see- “Ross??” I turned on my heel and shoved past my co-workers asking Yelena to take my tables for me I was taking my break a bit early. I rushed through the kitchen out the back door into the small alley way leaning up against the wall my hands in my back pockets I stood gasping for breath as the image of him in my mind still burned bright. I-I-I can’t believe I saw him after I told myself, o promised myself I wouldn’t look at him again while I still had feelings for him. Yes even after he hurt me I still loved him. I still loved him. The words echoed in my head, as I started at the sky soaking in the warm afternoon sun. I took a deep breath before walking down the street head to daily grind for a quick coffee before going back to work. I hoped they were gone by now I’ve been gone a good half hour maybe they were done. But just my luck as I stepped through the door I heard. “Adele could you show there two around and then get them set up to start they’re 2 hour trial? (Just making all this up :p ha-ha). Crap I thought looking up to the “two” was Dalton and Ross. Great just my day I thought sarcastically, I started out my day my usual hyper sassy self and I’m ending it glumly and depressed because my past has come back to haunt me. I grudgingly went through the rest of my shift which just so happened to be the 2 hours I was stuck with these two, and when we had finally finished I went and got my stuff tossing my apron aside to be washed later before making my quick rounds saying goodbye to my fellow workers and a couple regular customers id gotten know. I headed out the door but heard Ross calling after me, I decided to keep walking flat out ignoring him even though spending the last 2 hours with him had made me smile like old times all that were miss was “the crew”.

“Adele!...Ady” “Ady wait up” I was just about to cross the street when he caught up to me and grabbed my arm pulling me back. “What?” I said a bit harshly. “Well? What do you want??” I asked again when he just stood there staring at me. “i-i- sorry” he said. “Well I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime.” I just stared at him. So he continued, “I haven’t seen you in…a couple years. And I just thought..”. “Well” I said “the last time I wanted to hang out with everyone you all ignored me.” I said looking at him pointedly. “You guys completely deserted me, when I needed you all most, you believed the lies you fell into the pure pressure you’d never let get to you before. Honestly, I kind of want nothing to do with you guys anymore. That’s what my brain says, but we all know I’ve always let my heart lead me.” With that I turned and quietly under breathe whispered “and everyone knew I loved you, and I still do” I don’t think he heard me which is good. I left then quickly crossing the street headed to my apartment to change so I could go to my only visit my freed stables for the weekend. My only friend left. The one who’d stuck beside me the one I least expected to.

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