Please, give me a second chance?

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A/N: Dedicated to my BFF(@1DFan5ever) gooo read her story Second Chances :) and please comment on my sotry and tell me your reading thnaks :) all i want is a bit of feedback just a smiley face will do if you like it and a s frowny face if you dont thanks :D ~Ristbanz LOVE YAH MAH LIL PANDA BEARS. ok so imma start a trivia and the answer has to be right if you want the next chapter :) so in other words you HAVE to comment also you'll get a shoutout/dedication if you get the answer right and your the first comment :)

trivia question is: Where does Adele work, and what color chair was Ross sleeping in? (random hehe i know XD but easy concidering the answers are right there :P)


sorry its short!

A/N: this  charppy is all just a get to know the backgrounds of the characters kinda thing…like…a filler chapter! J Haha

I woke up to see none other than Ross sitting beside me sleeping in the neon green fluffy moon chair. I was obsessed with those chairs I had four a black on a purple and an orange one and of course he green one. I also had a rainbow one. They were all fluffy. I like fluffy stuff. I attempted to sit up and realized we were in my room at Vinny’s house. I looked around and smiled when I saw she hadn’t changed anything. My guitars were still in the small music room of the side of my room it the clear wall and arch doorway the rom raised like a stage. With walls. My king sized bed in front of the window with the white netted canopy and my purple and black polka dotted fluffy cmmftur with the neon green sheets and my fluffy orange blanket at the end of my bed. The pillows to match the purple and green in the bedding. My white fluffy carpeting around the floor near my bed. The light hard wood floor and cleared out space with dance bar on the wall. My massive walk in closet with a lot of clothes in it. Let’s just say in inherited quite a bit of clothing when Vinny was pregnant with Alexis. The rest of the stuff was where most my money forms dancing went. My apartment in the city we only there as It was a huge waste of gas the amount of hours I worked between the café and dance and occasionally singing or someone needs of me to back drums guitar bass keyboard. Etc. I was huge into the music industry and have been offered to be signed on with places as big as SYCH but refuse cause I…..well. I don’t know and this house actually belongs to Vinny and me both, we got it from our great grandmother…I guess I should explain…apparently Vinny’s mother was adopted but with some blood tests we’d recently found out she was related to me her mother’s father was killed so Vinny’s Mum was put up for adoption. Oh I don’t feel like explaining it all…anyway getting back to the present here I was currently sitting in my room with HIM asleep in the chair next to my bed. I was about to slowly get up when suddenly woke up. We stared at each other in silence for a few moments before I said, “ What are you doing here”?

“Adele..P-please listen to me, I know I don't deserve to be listened to after what happened, but I NEED you to hear me out.” He said in a rush. I just looked at him for a minute then sighed and said “fine, quickly j-just get it over with”. He gave me a look of relief but I also saw another emotion, hurt? Maybe. “Well. First I’m sorry everyone treated you the way we did I know I can’t apologize for everyone else but I do know they’re sorry and I just wanted to say I’m sorry and I regret ever falling for Sammy’s lies we all thought you had left us and spread and said these horrible things but we found out Sammy did it all to..g-get rid of you and I should have seen it before’ but I was blinded by my own feelings to see it sooner. I really regret it Addy, I-I’ve always felt differently about you, a good different I just wasn’t sure how to tell you I didn’t think you share the same feelings but then after I screwed everything up, everybody kept telling me that you liked me the way I liked you and I was just too stupid to it. And I really want to make it up to Addy, will you please forgive me?” he said grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes. I blinked back a few tears remembering all that had happened when id tried to figure out why they were ignoring me and when Sammy had taken things too far. I wasn’t ready to forgive Ross but I would let him try and win me back. “Ross…you can try and change things, but…you need to prove to me that you’re truly sorry, I’m just not ready to forgive you.” He nodded and a small smile played on his lips that I so desperately wanted to kiss despite myself. “I understand” he said. “Now go get dressed so I can take you somewhere.” “What??” I asked confused, “why?” he just grinned and said. “I’m going to prove how sorry I am”. I smiled and jumped up shooing him out of the room heading into my walk in closet and picking out a simple black hard rock café tee-shirt that was red black and neon yellow. Pulling on some black white wash skinny jeans and then boots I quickly brushed my straight red hair, and put a grey beanie on. Grabbing my cell phone and some money I applied a little make-up and headed out the door to the living room to say goodbye and grab my converse. “See you later Vinny! Alexis, Grang! Bye” and I ran out the door to where Ross was leaning against his car waiting, he smiled when I shyly walked over. Still cautious around him.  

We both got in the car Ross opening my door for me. And then we drove off the music on and laughing and talking like old times though there was still a lot of tension between us. He talked about what happened after I left and I told him stuff I learned in Ireland where id gone in search of my family history.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2013 ⏰

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