Chapter Three

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I wake up in a completely different position than I fell asleep in.

Arms were wrapped around my back, my head on someone's chest and our legs tangled. Nick.

I take a slow breathe and get up carefully trying not to wake him up which is very difficult when you're on top of someone. Jesus, I can't believe I slept on top of a total stranger.

I detach from nick and he stays asleep as I place his arms back onto his stomach. He looks a lot younger when he's asleep, his mouth slightly agape and long legs curled up.

I hesitate for a moment. Should I leave my number or something? It's not like we did anything besides talk and then sleep so I quickly decide against it.

Once back upstairs I have to step over red cups, shoes and more trash. The couches and beanbag chairs have people strewn across them, passed out from their night of drinking and it smells vaguely like spoiled pop tarts.

I shut the door quietly to the frat house. The lawn is a mess and the sun is just rising. I shiver from the morning cold.

I walk back to my dorm my thoughts trying to catch up to me. I can't believe I was so all over Nick. I hadn't even gotten actually drunk and I still managed to embarrass myself. Who in college sleeps with a guy without actually "sleeping" with him?

I'm so disracted by my thoughts that I almost slam right into Brenn as I open our door and she gasps.

"Oh my god, you're okay," She pulls me into a hug and I pat her back.

"Uh, yeah," She lets me go and drags me into our room.

"Where did you go? I heard you were with someone named Nick," She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Nothing happened, we fell asleep," I start getting my shampoo and clean clothes together. I need a hot shower. Maybe I'll burn to death under the hot water.

"Boring," Brenn pouts and I shrug.

"We barely talked, I wouldn't even say I 'know' him," Which was true. I didn't.

"I hear he's a serious type of guy," Brenn plops down on her bed.

"What do you mean? He seemed pretty goofy to me," I face her.

"He's one of those frat boys who parties a lot but takes other things seriously, like girls," Brenn sings the last one.

"How do you know all that?"

"James told me," She shrugs, looking at her manicure.

"Who's James?"

"Frat boy."

"Like Nick?"

"Yeah," Brenn stands up. "Like nick."


I am utterly exhausted by 6 pm. After a day of running around to my classes, making sure I had enough caffeine in my system to survive and enough pencils for notes I felt like a limp noodle,

I crash down on my bed and no more than 2 minutes pass before Brenn jumps and bounces onto my bed. I groan into my pillow.

"Get up, we're going to a pizza place," She smacks my leg.

"How about I sleep instead?"

"Nick is going to be there."

I sit up and stare at her.

"Do you know that from James?" I roll my eyes.

"No," She scoffs. "From Ryan."

I wonder how Brenn managed to befriend people so fast. I just talk to them for 10 minutes and go to straight to snuggling apparently.

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