Chapter Four

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I wake up too late. It's 10 minutes until my first class starts. I throw my hair up and slip into leggings and a t shirt.

Brenn is already gone and I roll my eyes at the fact that she didn't wake me up.

Last night after Stoned Makeout Session Behind Pizza Restaurant Extravaganza; We went to another place and got spaghetti. I barely remember. I think Nick kept throwing bread at me. There was also something about spitting soda at each other through straws I think we almost got kicked out for that one.

I slip my shoes on and grab my backpack rushing to class. I'm the last person there but I'm not late. I don't even know if they care if you're late but I'm not one to test that theory.

The rest of the day is me running around, eating granola bars in between classes and making sure I have all the homework I need done written down. I don't feel stressed from it but if I keep staying out until 2 am giggling with Nick about cracks in the sidewalk then I'm gonna have an issue.

I really liked Nick. He was this party boy but also this total smart and genuine sweetheart? Who also happened to be a fucking amazing kisser?

When I get back to my dorm room, Brenn is there lying on her stomach doing homework.

"Thanks for waking me up," I bite out but add a light smile after since I sounded too pissed.

"I tried," Brenn sits up, a pen behind her ear. "You sleep a lot when you're stoned."

"It makes me feel heavy," I shrug.

"Are you still baked?"

"What? No," I pause. "Why? Do look baked?"

"Maybe a little," Brenn squints.

"Jesus," I lay back on my bed. I'm exhausted.


A few days pass where I don't see Nick at all. We text a lot though and I figure out he's stoned about 90% because he starts communicating in emojis in a way I don't understand at all.

One day he sends the guy snowboarding emoji over and over again. He says later it's because he wants to take me snowboarding. Another time he sends me the tomato emoji and a ton of arrows. He wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Friday finally rolls around and the frat boys on campus are throwing a party of course. Brenn and I get ready together swapping clothes and makeup.

She's really grown on me, we get along well, we're close but we aren't like share secrets late at night type of close.

Pretty soon after we get there, Friday night, Saturday and Sunday just blur together. I spend the whole weekend in Nick's bed but we don't have sex, don't even get close. Unless some good ol' dry humping while making out counts.

The weekend is drink, smoke, sleep a little, kiss Nick, talk to Nick about something weird, drink, smoke repeat. There's like 3 weekends in one.

It's difficult getting to know someone when you're baked as hell but somehow I manage it. Nick likes holding hands, hickeys, the color dark blue, dried mango, making me giggle, sometimes he tastes like salt and mint other times beer.

I lost Brenn at some point during the weekend but I stayed next to Nick. Nicholas.

Nicholas John Robinson, beer drinking, giggly, snapback wearing, intelligent frat boy with a smile that makes my knees weak.


I'm wearing knee socks with my white keds (they're getting kind of dirty), a tiny black dress and a mess of bracelets. Brenn wears a jean mini skirt thats mine and a loose tank top. We get to the frat house around 10 and the party is in full swing. 

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