Chapter 1: The Awakening

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Xavier awakes to the storm brewing outside, he tiredly walks to the window, where he sees a menacing, lurking beauty walking toward the kingdom with an army of freaks. He alarmingly throws clothes on and dashes toward the castle. He pounds at the door where the royal servant slowly opens the door. He sees the gorgeous woman in front of the lightening and panics. He runs to the king and Xavier begins to explain what he saw on the hill. Xavier shows the king yet they aren't there. No one is out in the distance, like a ghost they are gone. The king throws out Xavier and Xavier walks into the storm. He begins to be a lookout to make sure the mysterious woman doesn't appear. Xavier is an immortal that tries to protect the kingdom, but nothing has endangered Falling Skies. But he fears the worst now. All of a sudden, a breeze comes about and a woman's voice draws him towards the woods. He stops for a moment and listens, nothing. The air drops to silence and Xavier could almost hear a pin drop.

Xavier is ambushed by a ghost with a crazed eye. "What the hell?" Xavier says as he pushes the ghost off of him. "Was that you in the distance?"

"No! But you saw her too! I thought you were her, damn I wanted to use my knife! Oh well, I am Chloe... As you can tell I am a ghost."

"Thanks for the clarifying, I couldn't tell you were a ghost! I am Xavier, I am an Immortal."

"Well whoever she was, she isn't here anymore."

"Oh I guess." Xavier begins to walk back to the Kingdom, as he walks back, Chloe follows.

"So what are you up to now?"

"I have no idea."

"Huh? Have you seen..."

"Hey, I am right here, you can't spot me and you are a ghost. Thats sad." A strange female voice arises from the trees in the woods and a woman drops from the trees.

"Oh great another..."

"I am not a ghost, you idiot, I am Angel..."

"So you are an Angel..."

"Shut up, do you see any wings! No! Didn't think so! I am an Assassin and I know who you are. You are Xavier, I am also a good listener."

"Great..." Xavier rolls his eyes and walks back toward where the king is outside of the castle. "Is everything alright your majesty." Xavier says as Angel and Chloe follow Xavier toward the castle.

"No something is terribly wrong, you are right someone is trying to take over the castle." King Brightside says panicking.

"How do you know this?" Xavier asks.

"Well for starters they threw an orb through one of the stained glass windows. And the orb spoke of pure horror that shall come to this Kingdom if you do not hand it over. What shall I do?"

"King Brightside, I will help you in this time of need!"

"Great, perfect Xavier get your team together and set forth on your journey."

"But... sir, I don't have a team."

"We will help you." Chloe and Angel say coming up to Xavier.

"Thanks, but we just met."

"I mean we will have enough time to bond over our journey!" Chloe says smiling.

"Fucking perfect."Angel rolls her eyes and then gives a half smile.

"Well it is settled you will have your team go out and find this woman."

"In all honesty sir, we have no idea who this woman is." Xavier says raising an eyebrow to the idea of a team of individuals he has no idea who the hell they are.

Xavier Chronicles Book 1: The MisfitsWhere stories live. Discover now