Chapter 6: The Return

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"What the hell was that?" Zella said in a panic.

"Oh no! Mik!" Jordan says running toward the entrance but Xavier holds him back.

"We can't do anything about it now." Xavier says holding Jordan close and trying to comfort him.

"You don't understand, Mik's life was a tragedy every step she went. First her parents die, and that night was when she got scratched by the beast. Her mother tried to protect her but ultimately failed. That's how she got the scar over her precious eyes. She tried to defend herself but the Unknown swiped down on her leaving that scar. The creature thought she was dead but alas she had just been stunned by the creature. Her home was destroyed, little to nothing left. She kept the locket." He paused to open up his hand where the group saw the locket. He continue, "Then, she went to her Uncle's house to live, and he was a nut job who had tons of experiments down in his basement. Her uncle died one night making twin humanoids but as they came to life. Both found the power of evil in them. Mik ran out of there before she could see their face. After that, she was alone in the dark cruel world. She had nobody and nobody was looking for her. The group of us found her huddled inside a tree house, we all smiled and decided she needed friends. And the rest could have been history if she didn't run away."

"Miss me sweeties!" Mik says carrying the head and she is pretty beat up. "That was the cry you heard of his goodbye. Damn creature! Any who what did... Um.. Where are the two freaks you guys loved, Harry and Miranda?" Mik says puzzling and then chucking the head.

"They were here a couple of minutes ago." Xavier says looking around. "Alright let's split..."

"Whoa! No we aren't splitting up! That's a no can do! We are goin to stick as a group." Angel says marching off with the group. Xavier catches up.

"Anyone know where we are going? Dylan?!" Xavier asks and glaring at Dylan.

"I said its in the middle of the park. Sheesh! Don't you listen?" Dylan says chuckling.

"Alright let's run up to this map, and check it out." Xavier begins to run up there but suddenly the group here's many footsteps. They hide in the nearest building which happens to be the haunted hotel, Check In.

"Oh great! Something scary just my luck!" Kit says kind of shaking.

"Who the hell are they?" Xavier says showing Dylan but duckin out of the way so the group of creature looking humans don't see them.

"Those are the Pitchfork Kids, the henchmen of the Goddess. They are humans with glowing bright eyes filled with piercing yellow. The Pitchfork Kids never walk alone and they always carry a pitchfork."

"No duh." Angel says rolling her eyes. "They look like scarecrows of a human."

"Close, they are human dolls pretty much that the Goddess control."

"Well I guess we are stuck in here for a while. There are hundreds of them!" Brit says comforting Kit.

"Not too long, I hope?" Kassandra says looking at Xavier.

"No, hopefully not too long in here." Xavier says with a half smile. He looks around at the Check In attractions. "Not very cozy!" Xavier chuckles trying to make light of the situation.

"Ugh this place is gross! There are cobwebs everywhere and creepy dead looking robots that look really life like." Kit says almost hyperventilating.

"Well yeah it's a haunted attraction, what do you expect. It's going to be creepy!" Angel says rolling her eyes.

"Sorry I don't like creepy things!" Kit says rolling her eyes and walking further into the attraction.

Suddenly, the lights flicker on inside the hotel of creeps.

"What the hell just happened?" Zella says running over to Xavier.

"She knows we're here!" Dylan says looking out the dirty window and seeing the Pitchfork Kids still out there.

"How?" Aritha says concerned.

"I don't know." Xavier says trying to keep calm of the situation.

"I know, it was the two assholes that you two love birds fell in love with. I bet you they were working for the Goddess this whole time! You two were just blinded by love." Dylan says in frustration.

"No way! Harry wouldn't have done that to me! He is better than that... Right Xavier?" Angel says turning to see Xavier's eyes burning with rage.

"I think Dylan is right! I was such a fool!" Xavier says pacing back and forth. "I knew she was too innocent to be true! Damn bitch! I am going to kill her!"

"Please, Xavier! Think about what you are saying!" Angel says turning away. Just then, the animatronics begin to go off. They all are popping out of nowhere and the lights keep flickering.

"Okay I liked it in the dark better!" Kit says running back to where the group is. "It was better without all these creature things." The Impossibles come over and comfort her.

"It will be okay. Don't you worry!" Kassandra says comforting Kit once again.

"What's the deal with you clicky bitches anyway?" Angel says in a tone that comes off as rather rude but she is trying to change the subject.

"Well excuse me! Aren't you just in a mood.. Well to have you know we have known each other ever since the beginning of our first year of Dark Magic School. And we just clicked. We have been through everything with each other. We always forget we talk in unison sometimes because we have just gotten used to it with spells. But we almost are joined together at the hip, we always know when each other are in trouble or need something. Happy now?" Kit says almost slapping Angel.

"Yeah I am, because you stopped whining about being scared of dumb robots, you should be scared of the Pitchfork Kids and what the Goddess does to pretty girls like you." Angel says with a smirk on her face.

"Ladies, everyone just calm down. We are all a little edgy and it just happens because we are all under a lot of stress. Let's just all take a breath!" Xavier says half smiling.

"Did anyone ask for your input?" Angel says in her usual sassy tone. Angel storms off further into the hotel and passes the check in desk. "Hey guys, you probably want to come see this." Everybody runs down to where Angel is frozen in her tracks. 

Xavier Chronicles Book 1: The MisfitsWhere stories live. Discover now