Chapter 3: The Familiar Faces

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The man behind the gun has a familiar face to Xavier. He lowers the gun. "Xavier, is that you?" The familiar face says smiling.

"Nick? Is that really you? It's been ages?"

"Come on up!" He ushers to Xavier. "You girls stay here..."

"Nick, they are with me."

"What the hell have you gotten yourself into now?!" Nick stares blankly at Xavier.

"Long story." Xavier says as they all get into the elevator.

"So what the hell is this place?" Angel asks kind of rudely.


"No it's okay." Nick smiles staring at Angel's neck.

"You can't bite her." Xavier whispers to Nick.

"Just one bite!" Nick whispers back to Xavier.

"Hello!! I asked what the hell is this place." Angel says tapping her foot with a raised eyebrow.

"We are the blood scouts and this is our hideaway. At night, we usually hunt but tonight we are helping an old friend. Gotta anymore questions?" Nick stares at Angel, who is kind of shocked by this and then she turns to Xavier.

"What the hell are you doing with the blood scouts? They are vampires! You know the sharp teeth blood suckers!"

"Yeah so..." Xavier glares at Angel. "If you don't like them, leave... They are my friends and they are giving us a place to stay."

"Whatever!" Angel rolls her eyes. Nick kind of smiles at her which makes her roll her eyes even more.

"Let's play nice everyone!" Aritha says with a twinkle in her eye. The elevator door opens and the hallway is pitch black.

"Cmon follow me!" Nick disappears, and the lightning outside freaks the group out. Each time a bolt of lightning comes down, the group sees a figure in the distance.

"Hey! We can fix this with a little light." The Impossibles say as they cast their light spell to shine a ball of light in front of the group.

"Be careful you know blood scouts hate light!" Xavier says to the Impossibles, they dim the light so it isn't so bright.

"Is that why the windows are all boarded up on this level of the tower? They can't stand light?" Chloe questions kind of laughing.

"Of course!" Xavier laughs rolling his eyes.

"How the hell did you get out of this? Isn't this like a cult?" Angel asks Xavier stopping him.

"We aren't a cult..." An echoing voice says from an open door which leads to a dark room with no lights on.

"I didn't mean to offend you!"

"Tom! You are scaring Angel!" Xavier says laughing and walks into the dark room. Angel whacks Xavier in the arm.

"I am not scared! You should be scared shitless of me." She smiles at the fact of Xavier rubbing his shoulder. Just then a candlelight dimly lights the room where the group can see all the Blood Scouts.

"How have you been?" Xavier jokes to all of them.

"Well you know... Where the hell have you been?" Tom says walking toward Xavier and shaking his hand.

"You know living in the town of Falling Skies."

"Oh isn't that pleasant." Another voice says walking out of the shadows, this one has a scar on his face.

"What the hell happened, Logan?" Xavier says looking at the open scar.

"Just a fucking scratch from this bitch, she wore a blue hood. Called herself, Eleanor. What a fucking bitch!" He slams his fist through a wall.

Xavier Chronicles Book 1: The MisfitsWhere stories live. Discover now