Best Birthday Ever

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So I just decided to do a one shot for Percy's birthday, I mean seriously guys, HE'S TURNING 22, how did this happen, I swear I thought he was younger, but anyways, I actually got this idea when I was looking at a friends happy birthday Percy update.

By the way munchkins1307 you are awesome, thank you again for helping me

That's right, actually, the next chapter for Reading About A True Hero will be out by the end of the week!!!!!!!!!

IK, FREAK OUT, But just so you know, it'll probably suck because I'm a terrible writer

Now, enough with that, please take a seat and buckle your seatbelts seatbelts as we literally jump into Percy's 22nd Birthday Party, I mean you will seriously be at Percy's party.

Sorry just kidding, but I wish I could make that happen, I guess we're just gonna have to stick with this


Percy's POV(God this POV is so overused)

We were on the beach, just like old times having a bonfire to celebrate my birthday, and even though Annabeth and I won't be celebrating our Anniversary since we got married last month on Annabeth's birthday, he still got her a present.

I know, how sweet of me, not that it matters. She got be a present too, but that's kinda required since it's my birthday.

It was late into the night and we had already roasted marshmellows and had smores and had the blue birthday cake my mom had made just for this occasion.

I just couldn't wait to open presents, I was really stoked to see what Annabeth got me.

I had been laying down in the sand looking at the stars when Jason came over and muttered the three words I'd been waitimg to hear since they got here today.

"Presents are ready."

I literally jumped up so fast that I thought I was gonna fall back down. Jason steadied me with a laugh and told me to come on.

I had gotten a number of things, but if I told you every last one, we'd be sitting her till the next morning, but I will tell you my favorite.

I don't remember who it was, but somebody got me a new leather jacket because a certain someone *cough* nico *cough* along with the Stoll brothers thought it would be a funny prank to mess with my jacket while I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning to find my jacket shrunken as pink with the leather falling apart from to much water, sadly my jacket wasn't water proof unlike me.

Annabeth had apparently told one of my friends that that's what I wanted for my birthday, becuase I hadn't stop complaining about missing my jacket for the past two months.

But I had insisted I give Annabeth my gift before she gives me mine, and after a lot of begging and my best baby seal face she agreed.

He stood in front of Annabeth, who had an expectant look on her face, "So please don't ask me how I got this because I don't even know, but I do know that it's the best gift I've ever given you."

"Oh really Seaweed Brain, well we'll just see about that," Annabeth said smugly.

I handed her the box, it was slightly heavy so she had to readjust her hands so she could pull the top off.

Her eyes widened and one simple word escaped her mouth, "how?"

Because inside sat the recovered laptop of Daedalus that she'd gotten from the master himself six years ago, but had been lost in the fall to Tatarus.

She set the box down and threw her arms around him and hugged him tight, "It was the best gift ever Percy, but mine defiantly tops yours."

"What, noooo, it can't, come on show me already," I spoke impatiently.

She rolled her eyes but handed him the small box.

His eyes widened as be stared into the box, he was literally frozen. After what seemed like forever, I had the courage to look at Annabeth, she was biting her lip and she looked nervous.

Suddenly he broke into a grin, dropped the box grabbed Annabeth and spun her around, "Oh gods, baby, are you serious?, gods Wise Girl, I can't believe it, I'm gonna be a dad."

The whole camp broke into havoc, the Aphrodite cabin screamed something about Percabeth Babies and the rest of camp led by Clarisse picked them up and carried them to the lake, yelling something about keeping up traditions, and with that they threw us in the lake.

We sat on the bottom of the lake looking at the fish swim by for what felt like eternity, it had the widest smile on his face, and he felt if he didn't stop smiling so hard, his face would freeze this way.

So, yeah, you could say it was the best birthday ever.


I think I drug some of the descriptions on a little to long but, I had fun writng that, it took me like a half an hour and I didn't even get board, so I hope you liked it because my fingers hurt and I worked hard.

And don't forget that the next chapter for Reading About A True Hero will be out by the end of the wake, don't forget to follow, comment, vote, and go check out my other stories

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