HoH Couples- One Shots- _________

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Hey guys, so I decided I hadn't updated this for a while, it's on hold temporarily so I can get an adopted story up, but there are no couples in this, just asking Percy, Jason, and Frank how they asked their girlfriend out since they never showed it in the book, enjoy!!!!


How did you three ask each on of your girlfriends out personally?

Percy: Well I kinda, sorta just did it, it was when we were at the bottom of the lake after everybody through us in and after we kissed I asked her she'd go out with me, I might have stuttered through a few sentences, she then slapped my chest and told me that it took me long enough, *sigh* I will never understand that women, one minute she loves me, the other not so much.

Frank: Uh, I did it my a note, I left her a note from her secret admirer, saying to meet me on the beach if she would give a chance and when she did come I plainly asked her.

Percy: I bet Jason has the most embarrassing

Jason: Shut up Jackson

He was blushing

Jason: I was just walking to my next class when I tripped and slammed into a body and landed on top of them, successfully connecting my lips with theirs, then I realized. It was piper and actually kissed for real and she kissed back, then I asked her, is that good enough?

But we were all on the floor laughing our heads off


I don't know if you can make sense of this, but please do your best, comment and vote below, hoped you enjoyed, for now, Bye!!


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