Chapter 50

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My day off, which had been purposefully scheduled for my one year anniversary with Harry, had been filled with adventures and interesting plans made by Harry prior to his arrival to Spain. I had no idea what he had in store for me, but I trusted him. Our day involved a trip 1 hour and 45 minutes out of Madrid into Valencia where we hiked, ate, relaxed, toured the Central Market, and then relaxed some more. Harry's hilarious nature and idiotic personality were enough to make anyone entertained for an entire day and I found myself laughing more than humanly possible. At times, I was even warned to stop laughing due to the danger of falling while hiking up the steep rocks and hills, but his desire to stop making me laugh never diminished- it only increased as the day went on. 

We ended up spending the day there and I had never been so happy in my life. Before leaving, we decided to ditch the five star dinner and ended up getting a box of pizza for the train ride back. We sat in an isolated portion of the train, joking around and eating. I can only imagine what people thought when they spotted two clowns joking around and eating an entire pie of pizza between themselves. It was truly the sight to see. It was also the way to live. 

We got back to Madrid once the sun was set and long gone and we hopped into the black SUV waiting for us outside. We were both spent and I couldn't help but lay down on his legs and close my eyes. I felt the car moving us and it almost felt therapeutic- the car moving smoothly through Madrid and Harry's hand running through my hair. I had never felt so at peace.

We got back to the hotel safely and rode the elevator up to our familiar floor. Harry's phone rang as we walked back to the room and I heard him excuse himself before seeing him walk further down the hall, away from all the commotion. 

"Hey," I said to Melanie who sat on the floor leaning against the hallway wall with Josh. It was a nightly ritual- we spent more time out in the hallway than we did in our actual rooms. 

"How was your day, lovebird?" She asked. I shook my head before barging into the room. I took a shower and changed out of my sweaty clothes before grabbing one of Harry's shirts and throwing it over myself. He was sitting on the edge of the couch when I walked out of the bedroom. I walked over to him and sat on his lap before lightly kissing his nose. 

"Another one of my shirts, hm?" He asked, a trace of a smile on his face. Instead of answering, I kissed the side of his lip and felt him kiss me back. 

"Who called?" I asked once I pulled away. 

"Modest," he answered. I nodded before getting up and taking my own seat on the couch.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I have a performance coming up." I looked at him and waited for him to speak on. "It just means my time here will be cut short."

"Why did they tell you on such short notice?" I asked. 

"I don't know," he said before rubbing his eyes with both hands. "Listen, I don't want to talk about it. I want to enjoy the rest of our time together, okay?"

"Okay," I said before biting my lip and shrugging. 

"I can't believe you took a shower without me," he said before getting up and walking towards the room. I laughed out loud before following him.

"I felt dirty," I said back to him, a pout on my face. He laughed before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. 

"I'll be five minutes!" He yelled through the door. I plopped down on the bed and thought about the fact that our time together would be cut short. I craved his presence, especially during the holiday season, and the fact that he would have to leave me really drained all the excitement out of me. Was I being selfish? Was me wanting him with me during Christmas and during New Years selfish? I mean, he had to work just like I had to work. The only reason I was in Spain in the first place was because I was working. He wasn't upset with me for working, so why was I upset with him? 

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