Chapter 40

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The stage manager stood directly in front of the audience counting down the seconds until commercial ended. Jonathon Ross sat directly beside me, writing notes on the paper on his desk. I sat on the comfortable couch, my legs crossed and a smile on my face.

The manager signaled 3 seconds, then 2, and then 1. Then, Jonathon's voice spoke: "And we're back with Michelle Parker. Michelle, let me just tell you that we absolutely adore having you here." I smiled as the audience applauded. "Seriously, they love you here. You're so happy all the time and it's contagious."

"Well, I love being here," I simply said. "It's my favorite place to be." He looked at me.

"Michelle, you don't have to lie now." I laughed. "No truly... It's not that amazing. I mean, you've lived in New York your entire life. I think you've been in better places than here."

"It's not that I haven't been in more marvelous places because I have, but London has always been... I don't know. It's so comforting. So homey." Jonathon nodded at me.

"If you had to choose New York or here, which would you choose?" I shook my head and smiled.

"Although I do love it here, I would have to say New York simply because it's my home. I've grown up there, you know. But London would be my second," I replied.

"Now, we have a picture of you and this beautiful young woman on the screen. Take a look." I smiled as the picture of Maddie and I popped up on the screen. "Who's this?"

"Oh, that's Maddie!" I exclaimed and he smiled.

"Okay, and who is she?" He asked and the audience laughed. "I see here that she's a cancer patient, yeah? In New York?"

I didn't know whether talking about Maddie would upset me or not, but I decided to go for it.

"Yeah, that's Maddie. She was a cancer patient, but she recently passed away." I paused as the audience reacted. "I know... It's sad because I actually considered her a younger sister. She was a sweetheart, truly. I loved her."

"How did you come across Maddie?" Jonathon asked and I remembered my date with Harry and our meeting with her sister.

"I met her sister while getting some frozen yogurt in New York. She told me about her sister and I paid her a visit. I actually paid her multiple visits. I knew her a few months before she passed away actually." I ran my hand through my hair and remembered that I cut my hair recently. "I actually chopped my hair off because of her."

"What? She asked you to cut your hair?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Oh, no... I donated it. I don't know... Cancer has always been something extremely close to my heart. My dad passed away because of cancer and now she did, so I've always kind of had a soft spot for cancer."

"Well, I think that's an amazing thing. Good for you. Yeah, good for you." I smiled at him as the audience applauded once more. "And your haircut looks amazing as well."

"Thank you so much," I said back to him and he smiled.

"You're always so enthusiastic when you thank me," he mentioned and I laughed.

"I'm like that with everyone I thank... It's weird, I know." Jonathon looked down at his notes before making eye contact with me and smiling.

"Now, Michelle, tell me a little bit about your relationship with Harry. I mean, let's be completely honest here- he's one of the most famous guys in the world. Is it tough being with him?" Jonathon asked me and I smiled at the mention of Harry. 

"Tough in what way?" I questioned.

"I mean, with his fans or maybe with seeing him," he answered and I nodded.

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