Chapter 33

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"Baby, how short are we thinking?" My hair stylist, Macey asked me as her skilled fingers ran through my long hair. I was back in New York City, in my apartment, staring at my reflection in the mirror. A crowd of people sat around me- Harry, Michael, Melanie, Josh, my photographer Montana, Jerry, and, of course, Pablo. I grew nervous at the thought of chopping of my hair. I hadn't cut it since I was a young teenager- several years ago. It was simple trims here and there, but never a full cut. 

"Enough to donate it," I told Macey and she pursed her lips. She examined my hair a bit more before showing me a length.

"This would have to be the length if we want to donate it," she said as she folded my hair so that it fell right above my shoulders. I smiled a nervous smile before nodding at her. I could hear Melanie gasp, and that made me ten times more nervous. 

"I can't believe you're about to do this," Michael said and I smiled at him. "You haven't cut your hair since before I left, I think," he said and I took a deep breath.

"You ready?" Macey asked and I nodded. I closed my eyes as I felt her tie my hair into a pony tail. 1...2....3.... And it was gone. She cut it in one swift move and I could feel the weight be lifted off my shoulders. There would no longer be hair flying into my face or around my body when I turned around. I felt so empty- so free. It was a different feeling, and it felt good.

"It's done?" I asked as I opened my eyes. 

"All done," Macey replied. I smiled and looked into the mirror.

"Oh my..." I started. I put my hands together and examined my face. "I totally just did that," I said. Everyone around me laughed and Macey turned the blow dryer on.

"Here, let me fix it up a little bit," Macey said. I sat back and let her blow through my hair. Melanie grabbed her phone and recorded a video and I simply sat there, amazed that I just chopped my hair off. 

"Michelle, what do you have to say to all of your wonderful fans?" Melanie asked and I laughed. 

"Um... Well, I just chopped my hair off and it was a fun time. Yeah," i said and Melanie smiled to herself while clicking away on her phone. Harry sat in front of me and I nudged him with my toe as the blowdryer made my hair fly up. 

"You like it?" He asked and I nodded.

"I think so," I said. "I love it, actually. Do you like it?" I asked back, hoping for a positive response.

"I love it babe. I told you... Any hairstyle would look good on you," he said and I slightly blushed.

"Really? So, if I went bald, you'd still stay with me?" I asked and he laughed.

"Let's not talk about that unless we seriously have to," he said before kissing me and walking into my kitchen. Macey shut the blowdryer off and I stood up, walking directly in front of my mirror. I took a deep breath, in and out, and admired my new haircut. It was something different- something I'd never done before. I was going through something in my life- something where I was trying new things- and cutting my hair was a great place to start.


"Maddie's not feeling too well today. She doesn't know you're coming and, when she sees both you and Harry, she might have a mini heart attack. She'll be happy you're here, but if she seems out of it, it's nothing personal. She's just going through a lot, to say the least." Harry and I were standing in the lobby of New York Presbyterian, waiting to be escorted upstairs to Maddie's room. The haircut was feeling good, and I had a bag of gifts Harry and I had bought Maddie in my hand. I was excited to see her again. Whether it be in person, on the phone, FaceTime, or in pictures, she always put a smile on my face. 

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