Chapter 28

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"This is a really fancy restaurant," I said as the six of us pulled up to a restaurant surrounded by trees and covered in night lights. I exulted in the view of the live restaurant. It was beautiful. Perfect for a night out.

"Wait until you see inside," Harry replied and I gave him a look. He winked at me and I laughed back at him.

"This was your father's favorite restaurant to come to when we were dating and in the area." I looked at my mom as she spoke these words.

"And you, no doubt, thought to come here, didn't you?" I asked her and she smiled at me. I shook my head as the car came to a stop. Our driver came around to our side and opened the door for us. I stepped out first and Harry followed. He stretched out his arm, allowing me to take his hand. My mom, Steve, Ashley and Sean followed behind us. We walked in to the sound of Electric Feel by MGMT and chatter all around us. The inside was even more beautiful than the outside. I was in absolute awe at the detail and intricate patterns my eyes darted to once we walked further inside.

"Hi, welcome to Cliff's Edge." A blonde hostess welcomed us once we were far enough inside.

"Uh, hi. How are you?" Harry asked and she smiled at him.

"Great, and you?" She asked.

"Good, thank you. We have a reservation under the name of Steve, I believe. Steve Gamelli." I smiled at Harry's sudden respectful tone. His mother really raised him well.

"Give me one second sir," the woman said. She turned and walked away. Harry looked down and I cocked my head to the side.

"I'm still waiting for your last surprise, sir." He laughed at my comment and I waited for a response.

"I like when you call me sir," he replied. I leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"This has been a really good birthday so far." He pouted his lips and I looked quizzically at him. "What?"

"I thought it'd be the best birthday you've ever had, not just good. Good is average. I don't like average." I laughed at his reply to my question.

"Well, I can't say the best just yet. The night isn't even over yet." Just then. the blonde woman walked back and told us to follow her. We recieved several glances here and there as the six of us walked through the restaurant. It became apart of our daily routine to be stared at or admired from afar. It wasn't odd anymore. It was something that just happened.

"Excuse me, what's your name?" I asked the hostess.

"Ashley," she politely said back and I smiled.

"That's my sister's name," I said back to her. She turned her head around and made eye contact with Ashley, who laughed back at her.

"What are the odds?" Ashley asked and the blonde woman laughed. We reached two double doors a few seconds later. It seemed to be a private room, away from everyone else, and I wondered why we needed such a huge room to have dinner in. Ashley opened the two doors and I stopped straight in my tracks.

"Brittany!?!" I asked. My best friend from grade school was just standing there, pretty and happy. It made my heart swell and I ran to her and hugged her, long and hard.

"I missed you so much!" She cried into my shoulder. I hadn't seen her in years. We always stayed in touch, despite my career with music and hers with writing. She was the only person who understood me and everything about me. She knew my secrets and she meant the world to me.

I pulled away from her and looked from Harry to my mom to Brittany. "What the hell! How are you even here right now?"

I felt two arms wrap around me and I smiled. "Surprised?"

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