Chapter Eight: Ummm

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I blinked, "Alright, I'll meet you outside in a few minutes." He smiled as he grumbled his way out of my window and I twisted the lock on my door. I pulled my curtain closed and smiled excitedly. I so wanted to do that girly scream you see in movies but I decided to pass. My mother didn't have to know anything. I'll just jot down a quick note and leave it on my door...

I went out with a friend call or text if you need me.

Okay, now to get dressed. I rampaged through my closet, eventually piling out the only dress I owned. It used to be my mothers dress she wore to her friends weddings but all her friends are old, married, and the dress doesn't fit by now. I look at the old style wondering if I could get all Pretty In Pink up in here...

I pulled out Mom's sewing kit, and analyzed the dress. Okay it was a knee length satin purple dress. It had a black ribbon around the waist and was too long and plain to be stylish. Next I drug out my crafting kit from when I was about 10. I found a can of black spray paint and shrugged. I set it down, finding a lace pattern. I set it down too. I grabbed a pair of scissors. Then I looped some three into a needle.

I wanted the dress to be shorter..not too fancy not too plain but not as scandalous as some party dresses. I carefully started cutting the bottom of it to where it was a few inches shorter. I sewed it up, trying it on. Hmm. It looked a tiny bit plain. I ran outside to the backyard and saw 10 minutes had passed. I wasn't doing too bad. I laid the dress out and put the piece of lace down over it. I shook the can of black spray paint and got to work. 15 minutes later I had a cute fun dress with a pair of black converse, and ran outside. Blake smiled, "Hot..."
I laughed, "Um do I smell like paint?"
"Just a little, why?"
"I just made this dress," I laughed. "Sorry I took a while."
He smiled, "No worries, Belle."
He got on his four wheeler and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
I smiled into his shirt as the wind blew back my hair.

Hey guys...
I hope you like this chapter. I know it's been a while. Ily guys and thanks for 2k reads I mean ermahgerd😂😂

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