Chapter Four: The Unthinkable

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Gym, oh the wonderfulness of it all. The stinky locker rooms, reeking boys, and competition of the fittest. I walk out of the locker room, already dressed for gym. I'm the last one out and get a glare from the mean girls nearby. I take a breath of patience and act like it doesn't bother me. I walk up a group of emos casually and they just glare at me. I bite my lip and step back , walking up against the wall.

"Hey , Rebel."

I jump realizing someone had walked up beside me.

"Hey Blake."

His eyes smile at me but his mouth doesn't.

"What's up?"

There must be a reason he's over here right?

"Well I was thinking about yesterda-"


Coach Williams enters the gym her hoarse woman voice making me cringe.

Everybody starts to run laps and I wonder what Blake was going to say.

Of course some people try to talk in gym , but, usually those people can keep up the same running speed. I'm smart enough to know I can't catch up to Blake . After a few minutes of laps around the gym , we all get a drink of water and wait while Coach Williams sets up the course for a game we call HotShot. You have two people on your team, and on the other end of the gym there are cones set up. You have one basketball and dribble to a cone that have more points the further away from the basketball goal you are.Your partner comes back after they try to shoot and you go try to shoot for more points than the other teams. I look around as people gather into groups.

I look around giving myself an inward sigh. Who's going to be the unlucky person that gets stuck with Rebel?


My head whips to the right , to the person calling my name.

"You wanna team up?"

My forehead crinkles as I walk over to him," Blake, why in the world would you want to team up with me?"

"You're good, Bel."

I say ," Well....fine...ok."

He smirks at me and grabs a basketball on a rack nearby. He dribbles ,practicing.

I watch him dribble , he's so concentrated. He actually looks kind of hot- " Bel."

I jerk out of my thoughts, blushing as I realize he noticed I was staring. He smirks again ,"We're starting the game, try not to stare too much."


He raises an amused eyebrow and dribbles down the court when Coach yells ,"START!"

I watch Blake dribble down the court, going up to a cone midway from the goal. He shoots and makes the foul shot. I smile and as he dribbles back I notice some mean girls seething. They glare harshly at me and I offer a sweet smile to them. Kill 'em with kindness.

That's one thing that benefitted me when my mother taught it to me.

Blake makes his way back towards me , laying the cone he earned by our feet. I grab the ball from him as he offers it and begin to dribble down the court. I see that people are taking cones like crazy. There are two cones left. There is one to the far left, and there is one slightly to the right. I head over there , but watch a mean girl strut/walk in front of me to the cone and shoot. I hold my breath , watching the basketball roll around the rim and then fall off the side. The mean girl curses softly and quickly sprints back. Besides the fact that a very skilled basketball player/mean girl is coming at the cone I'm at full speed, I focus and take my time shooting . The ball whooshes through the air and hits the rim. It bounces once, twice, and then dips forward before it falls off the rim. I grab my ball and dribble back to Blake , hearing cheers behind me.

I pass the ball to Blake, and clench my teeth together, angry at myself. I don't look at him but I mumble,"So much for good."

He drops the ball and turns toward me. "You should've won."

I think back to yesterday, to how Blake "should've" done something more in the hallway. Wait- yeah, I guess I wanted him to do more than just look at me.

"You should've -" I break off realizing what I almost said.

He comes closer ," Should've.....?"

He leans closer , like we're the only people here. I swallow watching his mouth come closer to mine.

His eyes gleam in a way of his own happiness, and I realize I'm happy too. He leans forward until his mouth is barely away from mine.

He pauses for a second before lightly brushing his mouth onto mine. He kisses me fully before I kiss back- "THERE WILL BE NO KISSING IN MY GYM UNLESS YOU BOTH WANT DETENTIONS!"

We jerk away , realizing we had a crowd again , and I laugh as I see everyone is gaping. I watch Coach Williams look around, too, before I see a small joyful glint in her eye.

Shock still goes through me, and happiness also. Blake smirks at me, at how Coach reacted , at us. I smile back, not caring that people are judging me, and that the mean girls are glaring with a note of jealousy.

I guess they won a little today, but I won, too, and I'd much rather get my prize than theirs.

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