Chapter Five: Seriously?

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What should I say to Blake, no effing clue. I push it to the back of my mind, and see him in the cafeteria. What should I do...... I pivot the other direction as soon as I walk in so he doesn't notice me. I walk to a table in the back, as always, after grabbing some food. I eat, watching Blake's arm drift over Chelsey Monroe's shoulder. I heave in a breath, and leave as soon as I'm done eating. I' ve seen enough from him - I'm done.

As I enter Gym, I change and it hits me. It's gym. Again. I move to a different area than I was in before. Okay, then. I see Blake and Chelsey enter, and I turn away. Why should he care it was just one little kiss right?
Maybe, but I did care, and if he didn't, I don't want him to know I did.
I look down like I usually do- shyly- before looking back up. Who cares what they think? These are my feelings, and it's my heart, so who gives a crap if Blake doesn't like it, even if Chelsey stays pressed near him during laps, and stays glued to Blake? I don't care..... Right? I shove my insecurity down.

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