Chapter Two : Happily Imperfect

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I sit down in first period: Algebra , trying to be confident . I have a song in my head that keeps nagging at my attention . Every now and then I find myself singing it softly but quieten myself when I realize it, not wanting to be punished. The teacher -a very old and strict Mrs. Lima - sternly hands a stack of papers to a guy at the end if the first row ,which is the row I'm on except I'm all the way on the other end. I grab a sheet as the stack is passed to me, and pass the stack back behind me. I didn't look who was sitting there, so I just patiently hold them behind while I place my name on my paper. Mrs. Lima just says ," Read the instructions, turn it in tomorrow, and shut up while you do your work or you get a week of detention." I widen my eyes at her statement , but firmly keep my eyes on my paper. I am acting like a puppy afraid if being kicked . This is pathetic . I burst out laughing at how weird I was acting just as I notice Mrs. Lima was mumbling about how hard it is to teach teenagers like us. She looks up and I feel a hand slap over my mouth quickly before I launch myself into my work, completely aware of my surroundings.

I don't know who that was, but they are covering for me, which is ..... seldom and odd- not that I don't appreciate it. Mrs.Lima's eyes whip in the mystery person's direction, and I keep my eyes glued to my paper.

"Mister Harrington, would you like to do miles on the field outside and about a month of detention on the side?"

Mr.Harrington? Oh. My. Gosh. It's Blake Harrington ! He's the biggest bad- boy in school! What is he doing ?!

"Not really", he utters with an attitude. I face-palm inside my head . Blake!

Mrs. Lima says calmly ," I wouldn't think you would now be quiet , or should I inform your father?" I feel tension spread the ought the whole room. Word was that Blake's dad was abusive on Blake, but no one knew for sure. Blake quietly says ," No. I'll be quiet." Right that instant the bell pierces our ears, and we all cringe. Time for gym and confrontation.

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