From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding Hearts - Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello loyal readers! Firstly, I want to thank you for continuing to read my stories, it's much appreciated! Thank you for all your support on my last story (From Knives to Pens), it's helped me to continue writing. I hope you enjoy the next installment in the From Knives to Pens series, I've got hight hopes for where it's going to go! I'm really excited to share it with you! 

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I love reading everyone! Also, please notify me of any mistakes I have made so I can alter and make my writing better! Thanks. Ciara x

Chapter 1 Willow’s POV:

I feel his warm, familiar hand slip into mine. Curling up in his warm arms, I smile. The feel of his lips kissing the top of my head makes a shiver of desire race up my spine. Being this close to him makes me feel so incredibly alive.

“I love you.” He whispers against my lips before he kisses me deeply.

I wake up with a scream, a deep ache spreading throughout my chest. Even after twelve months of the same persistent dream, the pain still leaves me feeling raw. I curl up and pull the duvet tighter around me, willing myself to forget the dream and smothering my scream. It’s the same every morning; me telling myself that everything will be fine, that the pain will fade. It never does, it only shrinks to the back of my mind like an ugly spectre.

My alarm clock begins to ring, loud and shrill. I really should turn the thing off but the sound of it grounds me back into reality. Whacking the button on top of the clock, I rise from my bed.

Ignoring the painfully bare walls where all my band posters used to hang, I change into a pair of black jeans and a black vest top with an image of a gothic red rose on the front.  Plastering a smile on my face, I assess my look in the mirror.

A pale figure stares back at me. She has long, raven black hair with bright blue streaks of colour running through it. It tumbles down her back in dull waves. Her eyes are dull and somewhat lifeless as they stare back at me. The smile on her face does nothing to brighten her dark features.

I turn away in disgust. For the past year any life that I once had has vanished from my body. In its place is a dreary and dark figure.  I try not to remember the reason for this change, it’s too painful.

It was your choice; you chose to let him go. A voice in my head tells me. I shake it away and pull open my bedroom door.

My bare feet make their way down the softly carpeted hallway, the faded and marked carpet long gone thanks to the pay check I now regularly receive. I jog down the stairs, faking a joyous attitude. If I wasn’t as pathetic and selfish as I am, I wouldn’t have to pretend I’m content. I have a family who loves me and are now much better off than they were a year ago (again thanks to my new job as a journalist for a well-known alternative music magazine).

I enter the kitchen and smile at my Mum and thirteen year old brother Zack who sit at the table, bowls of cereal in front of them.

“Morning Mum, morning Zack.” I say, fetching a bowl for myself from the cupboard.

“Morning Willow.” They both reply brightly.

As I set my bowl on the table, Zack looks up at me. His eyes search mine with a hint of worry and a pang of guilt hits me.

“Did you sleep well?” He asks. To anyone else in the room, Zack’s voice is merely polite in asking this question but I know the true meaning behind it. Mine and Zack’s bedrooms are right next to each other which means he hears any sound I make through the walls. So everyday when I wake up screaming  when the one thing I want most in the world is ripped away from me, Zack hears it.

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