From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding Hearts - Chapter 33

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A/N: So this is the end... FOR NOW!! There will be a third one coming out soon so keep your eyes peeled for it. If you follow me you will know as soon as it comes out and for those of you who aren't one of my followers, keep checking my profile over the next few weeks. I don't have a name for the third one yet but hopefully I will soon. I have dedicated this chapter to xCautionHelpNeededx because her support throughout all of my stories I have uploaded on here has been amazing! THANK YOU!!

I want to thank a few people who have made this story possible. I would like to thank my family who read everything I post, I love you! If it wasn't for your support I don't think I would be doing this now. I want to thank all of my friends who have given me so much support throughout this journey. And last but not least I want to thank my readers! You are great and I wouldn't be here without you. Your support astounds me! THANK YOU!!

I have added a link to a song by Black Veil Brides called The Mortician's Daughter as the title of this story is taken from this song. It's one of my favourite BVB songs so I thought it would be good to share it with you although the majority of you have probably heard it before. The lyric I took the title from is 'A bleeding heart can conquer every crutch'. I know the link I've posted is an older version of the song but I love it so I chose this one. I hope you like it. :)

I've been building to this ending to this story since the end of From Knives to Pens so I hope it's ok. The whole of this story has been built around this ending. I'm really eager to hear what everyone of you thinks about this ending as I don't know how it's going to be received. Also if you could notify me of any mistakes that would be great. Thanks and enjoy! See you soon ;) Ciara x

Chapter 33 Willow’s POV:

I wake up feeling fully refreshed. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do. I didn’t even dream about anything which I’m grateful for. What I really don’t need is those nightmares returning, not when I’m trying to move on with my life.

As I clamber out of bed, I stretch my arms above my head. I honestly can’t believe how great I feel. After checking the time on my bedside clock I decide to make my way downstairs. I’ve slept in and the sooner I get downstairs the better. One thing I hate is sleeping in.

My nose picks up the smell of baking as I walk down the stairs. Mum never makes anything this early in the morning… Then it hits me. It’s my birthday! This is the day I turn nineteen.

I’m making my way to the kitchen to investigate what Mum’s making when I am engulfed in a tight hug from behind. I yelp in surprise and stiffen beneath the arms around me until the person speaks. “Happy birthday Willow!” Zack exclaims, hugging me tighter. I relax against him and turn around in his arms so I can hug him back.

He’s grown a lot in the past year and now he’s virtually as tall as me. It makes hugging him easier as I don’t have to bend down anymore.

“Thanks Zack,” I smile. When we break apart I ask him what’s on my mind. “What’s Mum making?”

Zack’s smile is secretive. “I can’t say.”

With a smile on my face, I target Zack’s weakness. Before he can react I place my hands on his hips and begin to tickle him until he’s led on the floor begging for mercy.

“What’s Mum making?” I try to ask him between laughs.

“Nothing.” He giggles still wriggling around on the floor.

The tickling persists until we are both struggling for breath. “Tell me!” I insist once we have both recovered slightly.

“Never!” Zack yells and darts away before I can grab him. With a big grin on my face I chase after him. He dives onto the sofa in the living room and I jump on top of him. It’s been a long time since we’ve mucked about like this, not since we were children.

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