From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding Hearts - Chapter 13

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A/N: Sorry again for the late posting! The last chapter was a bit disappointing so I hope this one makes up for it. I know most of you are eager to know what happens with Annie and Ashley so I'll shut up and let you read. Please comment your thoughts and notify me of any mistakes. Thanks! Ciara x

Chapter 13 Willow’s POV:

I stand in the centre of the room, eyes wide as I take in the scene of Annie and Ashley. The two of them look horrified at seeing me and ashamed as if they are two little kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Ashley climbs from the bed and Annie, wrapping the duvet cover around his virtually naked body as he does so. “Willow, it’s not what it looks like.”

He stumbles towards me and I move away. Annie tries to cover herself up too and move towards me. The shame and surprise she feels is evident on her face.

“So you were helping Annie undress and you just so happened to lose your clothes too? Is that what happened?” I laugh darkly. For some reason I feel betrayed by this. This is not what I expected to come home to.

Ashley looks away and back at Annie. She winces and looks away from him. Sighing, he turns back to me. “I’m sorry Willow.”

I turn away and march into the bathroom. “I don’t care Ashley. I’d rather not see the two of you naked.”

Just to make a point, I slam the door behind me. It does nothing to curb my anger. I feel it boiling up inside of me until I want to scream. Breathing deeply, I try to suffocate it. It makes no sense that I’m so worked up about what almost happened. Seeing as the two of them have a few scraps of clothes on, I don’t think they got far. The thought gives me no relief though.

Both Annie and Ashley could have informed me of what was happening. When Annie told me about the date tonight, I never imagined it would be with Ashley. How could Annie not have realised the guy she was meeting up with tonight was Ashley Purdy? Anyone who is in on the rock scene knows who he is! Annie has no idea I know Ashley so I don’t see why she would hide it from me.

I walk over to the sink and splash my face with cold water to calm myself. I look up at my reflection in the mirror. The rage is dying slightly and is replaced by sadness. Everyone around me seems to be getting with someone and here I am, alone. I know this might be the real reason I have reacted so badly to this situation. A knock on the door distracts me from my thoughts.

“We’re fully clothed now Willow. It’s safe to come out.” Ashley’s humourless voice comes through the door.

I take a deep, calming breath before opening the door. Annie sits on the sofa in front of the black TV screen while Ashley stands.

They both watch me as I enter the room. Crossing my hands over my chest, I glance between the two of them. Their eyes scan me, looking worried.

“Are you going to explain what I saw?” I ask in a hard voice.

Ashley looks uncharacteristically nervous which makes me worried. The Ashley I know wouldn’t have cared less if I caught him in bed with a girl. His reaction makes me think what I saw may be more serious than a casual fling.

“Annie told me she said to you about her having a date tonight. What she left out was that she had a date with me,” He pauses and looks back at Annie. She nods to him, a silent understanding passing between them. “We met this morning and got talking about music and things. That’s when Annie told me she was here for a photo-shoot for the magazine you work for so I asked her if she was here with you. Sammi told us you were in town. Annie said she was with you. Anyway, I asked Annie out on a date but I told her not to tell you who it was with.”

From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now