From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding Hearts - Chapter 11

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A/N: Not much to say apart from a big thanks to all of you for reading this story and From Knives to Pens! From Knives to Pens has now reached 3,000 reads and I'm amazed! Thank you! Thanks for the votes and comments on this story aswell. Again I apologise for not posting sooner. Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and notify me of any mistakes. Thanks! Enjoy this and the surprise at the end... ;) Ciara x

Chapter 11 Willow’s POV:

After taking a few wrong turns, I eventually find my way to the park. When I do, it is empty with no sign of Sammi. As the afternoon sun is still bathing this area of the world in its warm glow, I take a seat on the grass and lay back with my headphones still firmly placed in my ears. I’m not one for sun bathing but there is no harm in enjoying the sun while I still can. Back home in England we hardly get any of it.

I open my closed eyes as I feel someone next to me. Looking to my right, I see a blonde haired female sat next to me. A smile lights up my face and I pull out my earphones as I sit up.

Sammi pulls me into a hug with a bright smile on her face. We hold each other tightly. It feels great to see her again. I’ve missed her company.

We pull apart slightly after a moment, both of us grinning our heads off. The sound of my music still blaring through my headphones doesn’t distract us from our warm reunion.

“You look great Willow!” Sammi grins, looking me up and down from where we sit on the grass.

I laugh. “I’ve tried to look presentable.”

“Last time I saw you, you looked terrible,” She winces. “Now you look amazing!”

“Thanks Sammi.” I smile.

“I’ve been worried about you. You’re phone calls didn’t exactly reassure me.” Sammi says frowning slightly at me.

I wince, hating that I’ve been a cause of her worry. “You shouldn’t have worried! I’m fine! I’m sorry I’ve made you think that I wasn’t coping.”

“It’s not that you told me you weren’t coping; you assured me you were. It’s more like you told me you were doing too well. After what happened, I would have expected you to have been a bit of a mess to be honest.” Sammi says, concerned for me.

I sigh and look away. I think now is the best time to come clean. And I do. I tell Sammi all about my continuous dreams about Andy and my waking up screaming. Sammi’s expression of concern deepens at this but I quickly reassure that last night my sleep was free of dreams. I also tell her about my interview with Andy which she reacts to with a look of shock. Thankfully she understands why I didn’t tell her about it from the start.

Finally, I tell her about my meltdown this morning. Sammi’s eyes widen as I tell her about the girl with Andy. Again she tells me she was unaware that Andy was dating anyone. This makes me surprised as I would have expected Andy to have told someone about this girl.

“So you think Andy and this girl are together?” Sammi asks, frowning at me.

I nod. “They seemed friendly.”

“You could be hurting yourself unnecessarily Willow. Andy and this girl could just be friends.”

I sigh and flop back onto the grass. “I don’t know Sammi. I was so sure of what I saw.”

We’re quiet for a moment, the only sound is of the birds singing softly in the trees and the occasionally rustle of the leaves in the slight breeze.

“Willow, your feelings for Andy may have made you see what happened this way.” Sammi says quietly.

“I don’t feel like that about Andy anymore.” I answer just as quietly, watching my pale fingers entwine themselves in the grass.

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