From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding Hearts - Chapter 5

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A/N: A longer chapter today! I hope you like it. I'm sorry to say that I'm not going to be posting tomorrow as I'm going to a concert (William Control if anyone's interested :D). I'm really excited! Anyway, please comment your thoughts on this chapter as I haven't heard anything from you guys in a while. Please notify me of any mistakes as usual. Thanks! Ciara x

Chapter 5 Andy’s POV:

“So you’ve got a feeling it might be Willow?” Ashley asks me.

After numerous sleepless nights, I’ve finally confided in one of my friends about what’s been on my mind ever since Zack called me about Willow’s next assignment. Thoughts surrounding a possible encounter with Willow have been haunting me for days. Seeing her again will make all the memories of the two of us together seem more real.

“A big feeling.” I say sadly.

Ashley smiles at me reassuringly. “You’re worrying over nothing! You don’t even know if she’s in America!”

“She might be! Zack hasn’t called me back yet.” I say pacing the length of Ashley’s light living room. Ashley’s quite for a moment, looking nervous.

“Andy, if I tell you something you have to promise not to freak out and go all crazy on me.” He says after a minute.

I nod and come to halt in front of him, where he sits on his black sofa. Ashley looks at me with a look I can’t decipher on his face.

“Willow and I have been talking on a regular basis since the two of you broke up.” Ashley blurts out.

My eyes widen in shock. This is the first I’ve heard about any communication between the two of them since we broke up. Before I can ask, Ashley continues.

“We’ve shared a lot with each other and last time I spoke to her, she didn’t mention anything about possibly coming to America.”

I collapse on the sofa next to him. It’s a lot to take in. The fact that my ex has been regularly talking with one of my best friends for the past year and I haven’t been told is quite surprising.

“That doesn’t mean anything Ashley. Willow could have just not mentioned it to you.” I say quietly. Surprisingly, I feel no anger towards Ashley about him talking to Willow behind my back. Jealousy is my main feeling at the moment. I wish Willow and I could have stayed in contact but we haven’t. The number of times I’ve been tempted to call her just to hear her voice is too many to count. I still have her contact saved on my phone, unable to bring myself to delete it and along with it any way to contact her.

Ashley shakes his head. “She would have told me.”

I leave it be. Maybe Ashley’s right, I’m just being paranoid. There’s no certainty that Willow is coming to America so I shouldn’t worry myself over it until it is certain.

Chewing on my lip, I bring myself to ask the question that has been bothering me since Ashley revealed about his and Willow’s conversations.

“Ashley… Has Willow asked about me at all?”

Ashley looks away, into his lap. “Do you really want to know?”

“Just tell me.” I say, already knowing the answer from Ashley’s reaction.

Ashley sighs before answering. “Willow hasn’t asked about you. I’ve tried to bring you up into conversation but she refuses to acknowledge your existence…I think she’s still not over you Andy if I’m honest.”

I close my eyes and lean back into the sofa. You aren’t over her either… A voice in my head reminds me.

Not a day has gone by where I haven’t felt the ghost of her hand caressing mine or her lips, soft on mine. I haven’t allowed myself to miss her; it will only make the hole in my heart that used to be filled with her bigger and much harder to bear.

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