From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding Hearts - Chapter 18

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A/N: Sorry again for the late update. I know I put up a status yesterday saying that the next chapter of this story wouldn't be up for a few days but I finished it quicker than expected. Lately I have been finding little inspiration to write so this chapter isn't one I'm proud of. The next one will be from Willow's POV so I hope it will be better. For now, enjoy this chapter and please comment your thoughts and notify me of any mistakes. I can't promise when the next chapter will be up because I have a gig on July 17th (I'm seeing Fearless Vampire Killers and Ashestoangels!) which will limit my writing time. I'm a really lousy uploader I know but the holidays are coming up so I should improve. Thanks for understanding! Ciara x

Chapter 18 Andy’s POV:

“I told you it wouldn’t be as bad as you thought!” Jake smiles, punching my arm playfully.

I look down at the grass of the studio garden and smile. After Willow left the park, I walked back to the studio to find Jake. Now we sit on the grass and I tell him about mine and Willow’s conversation after the interview. As expected, Jake was ecstatic when I told him that I completed step one of trying to get things back on track with Willow.

“I should take your advice more often.”

“Hmmm… I’m not sure that’s always the best idea,” Jake laughs. “I had a feeling this was the right thing to do in this situation. You and Willow are two of my best friends and I knew you both still cared for each other. I couldn’t stand the two of you to be unhappy for the rest of eternity-“

“That’s a bit extreme,” I interject with a bright smile, looking back up at Jake. “’The rest of eternity’ is a long time.”

Jake sighs at my mocking tone. “I’m trying to make my point,” His voice turns serious. “Everyone can see you are meant to be together.”

“There’s no guarantees we’re going to get back together.”

“You never know…”

Jake and I talk for a while longer before his phone rings and breaks off our conversation. With an apologetic look in my direction, he pulls his phone from his pocket and answers it. I gaze off into the trees to give Jake a bit of privacy.


I hear a female voice come through the other end of the phone, a very excited female voice. I can’t make out who it is exactly on the other end.

“What?” Jake exclaims, matching the girl’s excited tone. “Now?”

Again there’s another excited answer from the girl on the other end of the phone. My eyes widen as I take in Jake’s expression. It’s the happiest I’ve seen him look in a while.

“That’s great! I’ll be right there,” With that Jake ends the call, looking over at me with a huge smile on his face. “Ella’s arrived in LA early!”

“What?” I exclaim, a smile creeping its way onto my face.

“She finished her modelling work in England quicker than expected so she’s in LA now.” The love he feels for Ella and the joy the thought of seeing her again brings is evident in his expression and voice. I grin at him, happy that he has someone in his life that he cares so much for and that returns his love.

“That’s great!”

Jake nods. “It’s been ages since we’ve been together,” He rises from the grass next to me. “I’m really sorry but I’ve got to pick her up.” He apologies.

I wave it away with a small smile. “Go. You don’t have to apologise.”

With one final clap on the shoulder, Jake starts to walk towards the exit of the studio gardens. When he reaches the exit he turns back to look at me, a small smile on his face. “And it is really great that you and Willow are trying to work things out. Don’t worry about tomorrow, it’ll will be what it will be.”

I nod and wave goodbye to him. My smile fades when Jake disappears from sight. His parting sentence still lingers in my ears. It’s a reminder that when everyone around me is starting to settle down with someone they love, I’m alone.

For the first time in years I feel incredibly lonely. With Ella’s early return, my encounters with Jake are going to be few and far between. CC is making the most of being home and spending time with Lauren. The only time I see Jinxx is when we’re recording as all his free time is spent planning his and Sammi’s wedding.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m overjoyed that all of them have found someone special that they can share their life with. I’m just envious that I don’t have the same. The only person I feel I can relate to now is Ashley, us single guys have to stick together.

The only hope I have is Willow. Since being back in LA I have had a few encounters with Juliet. Both of us tried to talk and be polite to each other every time we met but it was hard after what she did to try and break me and Willow up. The fact that Juliet planted an engagement ring in my bedroom for the sole purpose of trying to break me and Willow up is inexcusable. Neither of us still hold any of the feelings we once had for each other but both of us are single.

I lie back on the grass and let my mind wander. I wonder if Willow hadn’t come into the picture would I have got back together with Juliet? There is no doubt in my mind that when Juliet and I broke up I still had feelings for her. How strong were those feelings; I have no idea. I once told the band that I thought I was in love with Juliet, but looking back on it as I have done many times I doubt I was.

Now I know what love feels like. It’s when being apart from someone is a constant burning agony in your soul. It’s when just the sight of them makes you melt, when being in their presence is the only time you feel truly whole. It’s what I feel about Willow.

Closing my eyes, I allow myself to conjure up an image of the long black haired girl with bright blue eyes who owns my heart. Her eyes shine brightly and a small smile lights up her face. In return, the corners of my lips tilt into the beginnings of a smile.

All too soon the image of Willow fades and instead I am flung back into a memory of the last time Willow and I were together properly.

“So we’re over, just like that?” I say quietly. Willow nods. I take a rattling breath before turning my head skyward.

After a moment of silence, I rise from the bench. I look down at her remorseful figure on the bench, my eyes full of pain. Her eyes are damp and I can tell she’s supressing tears.

Before she can protest, I meet my lips with hers. They are soft and I lose myself in them for the last time. “I love you.” I whisper against her lips.

I was telling her the truth when I told Willow I loved her. Leaving her was so painful and the pain didn’t fade. Being apart still causes an ache deep inside of me. It never leaves and I try to suffocate it by busying myself, thinking of her only makes the pain worse. I’ve immersed myself in the new album but the pain of not being with her is still prominent.

The only thing that keeps me going and pushing forward is the hope that maybe now I have the chance to fix things with her before she’s gone forever. 

From Knives to Pens ~ Bleeding HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now