Half Alive

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Chapter One

Half Alive

"What is it to live half alive?" I asked myself that one year ago. Believe me I know what it is and how it feels. One year ago, I also answered "To be a zombie." I frowned. I was so naive. I never knew how bad this would feel.

I walked through the path in front of me, feeling my bare feet touch the perfect green grass. I looked down making my golden brown hair shield my face from the light reflected from the glass that was on the ground. As I stared down I noticed my tears falling to the grass next to my feet. It was kinda beautiful at the same time so frightening. I looked back up and let the light hit my face.

It wasn't like Summer out in a field over one hundred digress sun light, it was like Fall in the woods at sunset. The light kept me warm yet inside I felt like a corpse. Dead, Lifeless, limp, cold, soundless and no happiness. That's how you would describe me right now.

I ran my fingertips on the dead roses I was holding to my chest. I looked to my chest and noticed I was bleeding. I must have touched a thorn, I didn't feel anything. Crap. I got blood stains on my white dress. I'll bleach it later. I sighed walking out of the woods. My tears stopped once I saw my destination. I smiled feeling his presence around me.

I closed my eyes and walked forward to my fathers grave. Once I got there I opened my brown eyes back open. There in front of me stood fathers grave stone.

Gorge D. Robinson


I burst in to tears and fell on my knees. I dropped the black roses and held my face in my hands, crying. He died at age forty-three. Forty-three?! Why did god have to take him. I know it's been three years but it still had an affect on me. Why couldn't he just take me?

I sniffed and pulled my hair behind my ear, finally holding myself together. I stayed on my knees and decided to talk to dad. "Hey dad, I usually don't cry like this you know?" I paused waiting for an answer, even though I knew I wouldn't get one.

I laid a little on my side ready to tell my father what happened. "Remember I told you about Dean?" I sniffed again. Stay strong for dad. I reminded myself. "Well, We had been dating for two years, both in love...Or so I thought." I whispered the last part. I put my hand to my neck feeling the gold necklace Dean gave me that night. I continued. "And One night he came over, mom was at Aunt Virginia's for the weekend. At first we were just eating pizza talking and joking around, when He Told me he loved me." I stopped to close my eyes. I bit my lip, so hard it bled.

Flashbacks came to me of when he told me.

He smiled putting his plate up. He came to me and held my hands leaning to me. I was sitting on my kitchen counter, a huge smile on my face. "Gabriella Robinson, I'm madly in love with you. You make me insane, I see you everywhere I look. I dream of us together, married with kids. Every girl that I look at doesn't make a match to you, no competition. I love you." he spoke to me, looking in my eyes.

Every word went straight to my heart. A tear slipped from my right eye. A tear of joy. I jumped on him, hugging him. He swirled me around laughing. I laughed as well and shouted, "I love you too, Dean Hampton. With all my heart!"

The words faded away, and the flashback disappeared like magic. "Anyway, all that night he told me about how we were going to get married, spend our lives together. I fell dad, I lost myself to him. Thinking it'd be OK in the end. It wasn't. He texted me we should just be friends. I didn't eat for days." I started tearing up again. "and you know what happened a week later? I was walking down the street, when I-I saw him and my friend Willow. They were doing as we did together, laughing, joking around and even kissing!" I laid my back to the hard ground and closed my eyes. "Please help me dad." I sighed falling into darkness.



So what'd you think?

Huh? Lol please check out the song on the sidebar. It inspired this story so yeah Check it out! Also, if there are any spelling errors please let me know by commenting.



- Demetria

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