Chapter 5 - Flashback

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"Camina por el bosque cantando y soñando, aunque ella no sabe el camino por delante, sueña con una tierra donde la libertad se establecen. La muerte no existe no llora nunca reptiles, mentiras o despedidas, ella canta su Canción de cuna en español.


En su propio mundo que ella está bailando sobre el agua, no tanto de los monstruos abajo. A través de la delgada línea de la vida y la muerte que camina firme acerca. No haga caso de la lluvia y los ojos. Los ancianos, los jóvenes a veces se olvidan, y decir adiós a la canción de cuna en español. Pero sueña con fulgor sobre cómo se va a ver algún día su destino, mientras que los que se quedará olvidado su tierra. Pero en las tierras de la libertad que muerte no existe, no llora nunca reptiles, mentiras o despedidas, que canta su Canción da cuna española."    I smiled and hugged mom.

She hugged me back then gently pulled my bed sheets over me, tucking me in. I sighed, "mom are you sure there are no monsters?" I asked. Even though I was 10 I was a little scared.

She laughed and kissed my forehead, "Honey, their not real. Besides You have someone watching out for you at all times." she smiled getting up from my bed.

I thought about what she meant, "You mean the wolfs?" I asked.

My mom stopped dead in her tracts and slightly looked over her shoulder at me. "no. Wolfs are bad Gabriella." she said sternly and walked out.

I loved my mommy but I don't believe her. I think the wolfs protect me! Suddenly I remembered just how I knew they protected me.

< flashback >

I ran away from my older brother giggling. I ran past the old log cabin on Mr Johnson's property. It was my birthday, I was now 7.

When I couldn't hear my brothers foot steps I sat down on an old log. I looked around and realized I'd never gone this far. Suddenly feeling alone and scared, I got off the log. Did I come that way? Or that way? My mind thought. I nodded my head to the left.

Hours later I was still wondering in the woods, terrified. A snarl came from my left. I jumped and looked in the direction it came from. A paw reached out and I panicked. What was it? It was a mountain lion or whatever. My aunt got bit by one and ended up in the hospital. He or she started slowly approaching me. Stay still, my mind yelled at me. I stayed stiff. It snarled again and jumped for me. I screamed and fell over but before it bit me a wolf came and shoved it off me.

My breathing was rapid and my heart was beating 1000000 beats per second. The wolf and the mountain lion growled and snapped at each other. The wolf lifted his nose in the air and howled. So loud I was amazed. I blinked a couple of times to see if I was dreaming. Nope. The wolf was black, shot black. Dark deep brown eyes. I looked at him for a second, okay it's a boy. He was beautiful. I had to admit this wolf was magnificent. 

Seconds later a hole pack of wolfs showed up and growled at the mountain lion. The mountain lion realized he was no match and tried running off. The wolfs all ran after their new target while the black wolf swiftly approached me.

For some reason I wasn't afraid. I felt safe and comfortable. I smiled to the wolf and searched my pockets for that beef jerky I saved for later. What can I say, I'm weird. I laid it on my palm and outstretched my hand for him to take. He took one look at the beef before snatching it away. I flenched and the wolf noticed, he gently cuddled up to me.

I smiled and pet his little head. Minutes later I gave up going home and made a soft pallet for the black wolf and I. I held him to me as I quickly fell asleep. Little did I know that my family were in great danger.

(end flashback)

I sat in my bed, tears streaming down my face. Once I got home mom told me that-

I jumped up and sat up on a couch. I sighed, just a dream. Though I knew it was not a dream or was a memory of those nights. A tear fell down my cheek as I thought about what happened when I came home.

I wiped it away and looked around. Where am I? I was in a rich looking home with the smell of...bacon? I got off the couch and walked to what looked like the kitchen. I smiled relieved and leaned against the wall, watching Ash cook breakfast.

I slowly and quietly walked up behind him-"I know your there Gabs. I can feel it." he continued cooking.

I pouted and jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter. Ash finished cooking and set it beside us. Then I noticed something. "What do you mean, you can feel it?" I asked.

He tensed up and I couldn't help but notice he had muscles. Wow. Crap, look away Gabriella. I scolded and looked down to my lap. Through my hair that fell in my face I watched Ashton walk over to me and grabbed my knee caps with both his hands. I sighed and looked back up.

Holy crap he was so close. But he just had to drive me insane. He inched forward not even paying attention to his hands as they went up my knee to my thighs. Ever heard of personal space?! PDA! My brain yelled. But I was hypnotized. When he came just one inch away from my lips, "I can hear your heart beat, Ella." and he was gone.

(writer: just so you know, I'm not copying The Billion Dollar Girls characters names. Sorry I didn't realize they were to much alike. But Ash in that book is Asher not Ashton. And Ella is short for Gabriella so don't get mad. :) continue.)

I sat there dazed. Until I started leaning then I step out of this trance. Ohhh great. Not again. I was starting to like Ashton. But I am determined to not let anything happen!

I jumped off the counter and began stuffing my face with bacon, eggs and toast. He still needs to explain where the heck I am...


Like? I hope so. I wanted you to get a little idea on Gabriella's family and past trials. But anyways, in the next chapter I'll revel what happened to her family and why she's alone now.

:) I just had to Have a little Ashton and Gabriella moment there. :)

if you want me to upload sooner please, COMMENT, VOTE, FAN AND TELL PEOPLE! please?

Lol thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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