Chapter 7 - Stranger in the Woods

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  • Dedicated to Adrian

Everyone hope that Adrian is okay emotionally. She found out two days ago, she's having an arranged marriage. Yes you thought that those died along time ago right? Well yeah.  She's only 15 well soon 16. So, two months after her 18th birthday...she'll be married. :( don't you feel bad for her? Talk to her. We share this account so just ask for her XD on wit da story!

Ps. I like this chapter. Hope you do too!


[pick of Ella in sidebar xD]

Gabriella's Point of View

Ashton's warm soft lips were on mine. Inside my heart was having a dance party. Sure yeah he's only Trying to get me to breath but I've been awake for a hole 30 seconds now. And I'm positive he feels my chest going up and down. He knows I'm awake yet stays here, kissing me. Yes it counts as a kiss! He was only pushing air into my lungs by giving me his air or whatever but he stopped when I awoke again. Now, we're both just kissing. Its not a huge make out or anything but a sweet warming kiss. Sparks ran through my blood.

But someone cleared their throat and we pulled apart. Oh yeah, Chris was just watching us the hole time. Dang. I got to my feet as did Ashton. Ash guided me to his truck and set me gently in the back seat of the truck. He smiled shyly at me and closed the door. Chris got in the passenger seat and Ashton got in the drivers seat. Then we were off.

I looked out the window, the sun shined through the trees making spots of light splatter all over the dirt. I smiled and touched with my fingers where Ashton's once lips were. Through the corner of my eye I saw Ash look through the rear view mirror at me and smile. My smile brightened and I blushed. Crud. I hid my blush by looking down and opening my phone, hiding the blush with my brown hair.

You have 2 unread texts

And its 10:12pm.

I smiled and checked the texts. Wonder how time flew so fast.

'Hey, what's up?'

'Ella, can you come over for the night? I'm bored as heck. Please?'

Both from Pixie. I texted back, sure I'll be there in a minute. I told Ashton and he drove to her place. I'm so not tired.

We were turning the corner to her neighborhood when a strange feeling came to my stomach. The closer to Pixie's it grew. Ash parked by her driveway and I hugged him quickly, "Bye Ash, Chris! See ya later!" and I walked to Pixies door. I knocked on the huge wooden door. The feeling grew stronger and I wondered if it's just the water I gulped down and almost died from earlier. Isn't that a good thought? I could've died.

In a blink of an eye Pixie flew the door open and grabbed my wrist, quickly pulling me inside. She slammed the door closed and locked it twice. Then she ran over to her windows and shut the blinds. After that she grabbed my wrist again and ran us upstairs. Once inside her room she closed it and I noticed she now had 6 locks all around her door. She locked them all and locked her window. "Um...little over dramatic with safety are we?" I asked.

She shook her head and sat in her purple beanbag chair. She sighed and began to explain, "Well, last night I heard a creepy howl from the woods behind my house so I went looking for the dog. And instead I found a dead body! I started to panic but to show no fear I calmly began to walk back home. But oh my gosh! To my left I saw movement and I heard whispers! So of corse I ran like a mad woman back here. I went to the police and they tried to call a doctor to see if my brain was messed up and-and I told them just kidding and ran to the hardware store and got the locks. Then uh I was scared to be home alone cause mom and dad are on their second honeymoon in mexico and they won't be back Til three days so I texted you to cone over. I'm scared! Don't laugh at me I'm not insane!" she said all in one breath.

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