Chapter 8 - Damon

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:D hey guys! Thanks so much for the comments! *tears up* you make me just so grateful and- I can't I can't! Okay dedicating this to one of my awesome Wattpad friends, Brandy. :p


I jumped up panting. Just a dream. I reminded myself.

I sat up and looked around. He left. I frowned, feeling slightly disappointed. He was a stranger, I reminded myself. I got to my feet as the sun shined through the trees and I realized how beautiful this was. I smiled and began toward Pixie's. I looked back to the woods seeing a figure duck under a bush just as I turned. I smiled and waved. No response. I shrugged and smiled brightly then walked into her kitchen. I was so happy I was literally dancing my way to her room. I hummed some cheerful tune as I barged Into her room.

She shot up from her bed and fell off, grabbing the bat that she slept with. She jumped up and almost hit me but she realized it was me and hugged me. I smiled and pat her back awkwardly, "I didn't think you'd actually do it! Oh I was terrified!"

She pulled away and we walked down stairs. I remembered how I spent last night. One question bugging me, When am I going to see 'unknown' again?  I shrugged it off. "It wasn't scary. Just me and---The trees. I'm all okay."


|||||||||||||||||||||--Later that day--||||||||||||||||||||||


"Hey, are you going to Dickson's party tonight?" Pixie asked.

I sighed, "He always ends up having drugs there. I don't think I should-"

"You have self control, Gabs." Pixie chuckled grabbing her iPhone. "It's at 9:00 I guess. Be there. Uh yeah you want me to pick you up? Unless if Ashton will take you..." she winked.

I rolled my eyes, "Pixie I admit I have had small feelings towards Ash. But ever since thinking about it last night...It kinda left me-"

Pixie gasped and smacked my arm. "You take that back! You and Ashton are perfect for each other. There's no reason..." she paused and a smile lit up her face, "There is a reason! A guy! I knew you liked someone and it's not Ash! Ohhh who is it?" she begged.

I sighed, "No pixie, I'm sorry but I can't."

Pixie squealed, "You can trust me. I swear I won't say a word!"


Pixie smiled, "What'd he look like?"

I chuckled, "Bet you wish you knew."

Pixie sighed and hugged me. "Maybe I will someday. But whoever he is, if he truly cares then he wouldn't mind if you wanted to date Ashton a little. But listen here Gabriella Monte Robinson, I call dibs on Bryan!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Who the heck is Bryan?"

"Bryan Tomas?"

Then it hit me. Bryan! Ah Pixies old Science partner. I chuckled and nodded.

~~~< On the Way to the Party >~~~

"How did last night go?" Ashton asked passing the graveyard a minute away from Dickson's.

I looked out the window and smiled. Oh yeah. "Uh fine."

He smiled and nodded, "What'd you do?"

I closed my eyes and leaned back on my seat. "Not much. The usual."


"Yeah." I looked back out the window and rolled it down. I let my hand out of the truck and sway up and down with the cool wind. I smiled and wondered what 'unknown' looks like. "Ashton, why do your eyes change color?"

He tensed. "Contacts, Mine are weird like that."

"Oh." we pulled up to Dickson's and hopped out. "Okay, see ya Ashton. Uh You can do whatever. I'll get a ride. See ya!"

He gaped. "This is the first time you've ever ditched me. What's up?"

"Nothing." I smirked and walked to the front door. I walked in and it was crowded. I sighed frustrated as I pushed passed people, soon bumping someone hard. They turned around and smiled to me. I recognize him from somewhere-"Sorry!" I apologized.

He chuckled, "No problem. Hey I think I know you." he paused. "I tutored you last year...Gabriella." he smiled.

I flushed embarrassed I didn't remember his name. He laughed, "It's okay and Its Damon. See ya around, cool." and he went back to talking to his friends.

I smiled and went back to looking for Pixie. Music blasted through the house, very dark but lights flashing everywhere. Everyone drinking and having fun. Then there's me. Yeah. "Hey wanna drink?" someone asked behind me. I turned and saw Damon holding one out for me.

I bit my lip, "I don't know. I've never drank-"

"Come on!" he handed it to me. I smiled and eventually drank some. It stung my throat but I didn't want to stop.

-----< several drinks later >-----

"This is AWESOME! haha oops!" I spilt some on the floor. I laughed again and grabbed on to Elmo or whatever his name was. "Hie, I Ella and your cuuute!" I kissed his cheek and laughed.

He laughed with me and we stumbled a bit but regained balance. He had red hair and some freckles but it made him cute! Elmo! "Uh Ella I think you've had to much. come on." the dude with brown hair grabbed my hands and led me upstairs.

I giggled, "Did you know milk comes from cows nipples?"

He stared at me weirdly, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged and burst out laughing. Losing balance I fell on him. He caught me and again led me upstairs. He picked me up when I fell again. I kicked off my flats.  Barefoot he led me to a room. He kicked open a door and walked in. He set me gently on the bed and looked at me a second. Weirrd! I giggled again and he rolled his eyes. "Listen Ella, I'm going to go now. Sleep okay? And please if you need to throw up do it in this. Okay? See you at school." he hugged me and gave me a green bucket.

I laughed. "Why's it greeen?" I asked an laid back on the bed.

He sighed and tucked me in it, "I don't know, ask the wall Til morning okay?"

I nodded and he walked out. "Why's it gren?!" I demanded at the navy blue walls. No response. "Hello?"


Well, I know. Cliché right? But at least I didn't do what everyone else does and makes him sleep with her Til morning right?

How'd you like it dudes? Boring? Maybe yes cause it was just a filler. But I hope you liked it :)

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And if I get no comments...a month or two. I know I'm evil! Mooooahahah

Anyways please COMMENT, VOTE, FAN AND TELL PEOPLE! it'd be very lovely.


Hint of next chapter: School starts back and...personally I like the next chapter. :)

So comment peoples!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2011 ⏰

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