Chapter 3 - New Guy

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  • Dedicated to My family

I glared at the trees in front of me imagining they were Dean. I sighed as Ash sat beside me, sitting Indian style crossing his legs. He sighed as well and stared at the trees. I chuckled, "Why do you do that sometimes?" I asked.

He turned his head to look at me, but I refused to look his way. "Do what?" he asked confused.

I sighed, "Every time I'm laughing or just being happy...your happy. Like right now I'm upset and your acting upset with me. Why?"

He smiled and answered, "Well, when your happy, most the time I'm happy as well. Also, right now when your upset I want to try and be sensitive because your hurt." he explained.

I half smiled. "Thanks."

I looked down to my lap and played with my fingers. I popped them all and sighed. "Why do you do that sometimes?" he mimicked me.

I glared at him, "What?" I snapped jokingly.

He chuckled ripping some grass up and playing with it. "One day your depressed and at your fathers grave, next day you are your old self again. Why do you do that anyway?" he asked throwing the grass to his right.

I stood up instantly and started walking forward. I could hear Ash mumble something to himself and fallow me. I tried to lose him in the trees but he's way faster and grabbed my arm. I spun around as a tear slipped my eye. I quickly wiped it away. "Sorry Gabs, I really am. And I'm sorry for not being here for you. I'm sorry for-"

I slapped his face and smiled. He tilted his head and raised a hand to touch where I slapped him. "Ow!" his eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow.

I sighed and started chuckling, "We're even. So, you deserved it."

He stared at me in disbelief, in silence before we both started laughing. He shook his head and frowned after a minute of laughing. "You still need to tell me why your so bipolar."

I bit my lip wanting to talk to my best friend about it. So I grabbed his hand and dragged him through the woods. "Come on." I let go of his hand and he fallowed me. I pushed through the trees and finally reached the grave yard. He looked at me once like asking, 'Can you handle it?' I nodded and pulled him with me to dads grave.

I kneeled down and smiled toward Ash. Ash hesitated before kneeling down next to me. An awkward silence fallowed, so I decided to brake it. "I stopped coming here about a year ago. But when Dean did that to me I started coming back every afternoon. I shouldn't have stopped coming you know." I smiled looking to Ash.

I watched him look at dads grave for awhile. He had pain in his eyes, like he knew dad. I raised my eyebrows when I noticed his eyes change color. His eyes were brown but now they were a brownish/blue is was so strange. "Ash?!" I started leaning in closer to his face trying to see his eyes more clearly.

He darted his eyes to me and once noticing what I was trying to do he jumped up and turned away from me. His hands clenched to fists. Oh no. He does this sometimes when he's angry. Why would he be angry though? Did I say or do something? I stood up and ran to his side knowing what to do. I grabbed his fists and held them in my hands. They were warm and soft. Ash had his eyes closed but when his fists dropped to intertwine our fingers he opened them back up.

They were their original color again. I smiled and pulled him back to fathers grave. He fallowed hesitant but fallowed and we kneeled back down. I ran my fingers on the grave stone, taking the dust off. Ash just stared down at the words. Realizing I was starring Ash snapped his head toward me. I shook my head to stare at my left since he was on my right. I could feel his stare leave so I turned back to watching him. After a long silence I saw something that surprised me. A tear escaped Ash's eyes. But once I saw it he quickly wiped it away putting on his mask.

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