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Juliet of Dundee Chpt. 3


Within a half hour I heard footsteps, just as I was beginning to get me hopes up.

"That girl is a witch, I'm tellin' ya! There's no way she could've gott'n 'way that fast!"

"You can't know that for sure, Stouts."


I perked up and peeked back out the keyhole.

No. Bloody. Way.

Sure enough, there he was. Blue eyes, dusty brown hair, sea boots and all, just standing below the hatch along with a rather rough looking man. The man's hair was dark, almost black lookin' in the dim lightin'. He looked near demonic in the lighting as he looked around in frustration.

"We needed 'er. And you let her get 'way."

"Me? Why're you blaming this on me? Did I not save you from Cook the other day? And what about Crow? He wasn't too happy with ya either!" Blue-eyes was cut off by the sound of the other crew members making there way down the hatch. He clenched his jaw shut and waited for the rest of the crew to pass. After a moment or two of silence and waiting the man named Stouts moved real close to Blue-eyes, a sneer spread across his face.

"You're gonna find that girl, ya here? Otherwise I'll-"

"You'll what? Tell my father?"

Stouts gnarled at him.

"You gonna be a papa's boy?"

"I'm not my father's boy. I am whoever I am, whoever I want to be. I'm a pirate; I'm free. A lover of the sea. And one day, I'll be the law of this ship. Why dig yourself a deep hole now when you'll have plenty of time later? Savvy?"

Wait, was Blue-eyes the first mate?

By now Stouts had made his way towards the closet, removing his leather vest. His agitation seemed almost contagious. To me horror Stouts opened the door to the closet and looked at me. Just looked at me and froze, his stare darkening, a grin slapped across his lips.

"Well, would ya look at what I found here. . ."

"If ya want me ya won't get me alive!" I shouted as I pulled out me pistol and raised it to me chin. Blue-eyes darted in front of Stouts and snatched the gun away from me like lightnin'. I looked at him in disgust.

"Our ship, our rules," he began, "no suicide on my watch." I sat there in silence. "Looks like we found ourselves a stow-away. Or should I say the she-pirate?" Blue-eyes smirked at me, referring to what he had called me the night before.

"Get away from me ya filthy-"

Once again like lightnin' he whipped his arm out, this time with a blade, and pointed it to me throat.

"I wouldn't say anything if I were you, landlubber."

"Is it that ya wouldn't or ya couldn't? Or would ya crumbled under the pressure like a canon to the starboard?"

"Get up." Blue-eyes sneered and held his blade tighter.

I obeyed, knowing the moment to get outta here would come soon. I hadn't failed meself yet. "Grab her," Blue-eyes ordered Stouts. "Bring her to the cap'n. He'll know what to do with her."

Soon I found meself on the deck backed between a filthy crew and a relentless blue-eyed handsome lass.

"So," Blue-eyes began. "It appears you like to deliver yourself to us rather than put up a fight."

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