Mercilessly Revealed

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Juliet of Dundee Chpt. 14


My heart pounded in my ears as I looked around, watching as men showed up out of nowhere. What was going on? How much did Emmie know that I didn't?

And what about Hawk? I'd been kind to him! For years I had taken a liking to him. He'd always been so shy and reminded me of myself when I was his age. Afterall, when I was his age I was at home with my mother. I'd been surrounded by girls, even though I never took a liking to any of them as they had for me, and I'd lived a simple life.

But when my father had come and made me into the monster I've become, I'd lost touch with who I'd used to be, who I wanted to be. My father had morphed me into the thing he'd wanted me to be. But yet, perhaps he had good intentions.

That was how I wanted to remember him now that he was gone.

My stomach churned as I looked back up at my father's lifeless body. I squirmed as I felt my stomach willing me to wretch at the sight. My father was gone.

I decided I needed to stop thinking about my father for now. I couldn't fix it, no matter how hard I tried. There was nothing I could do at this point besides wait for whatever was happening to finish.

I turned my attention back to all the men surrounding us. Emmie and I were greatly outnumbered, I'd say two to about onehundred and fifty men that I could see. I looked over at Emmie who had been quiet for a while. It's been about five minutes since her outburst and she hadn't spoken at all. I wanted to know what she was thinking, to know more of what was going on. I had so many questions!

Who were these people? What did they want with us? Well it was obvious it had something to do with the Source, and the men knew that Emmie was needed in order to find it. This thought relieved me the smallest bit from the current situation. At least Emmie's safety was most-likely guaranteed. Just because they couldn't kill her didn't mean they couldn't hurt her.

A pang hit my chest when I remembered what the King of the Carribean did to me. I became very aware of the countless tally marks on my back at that moment. They felt like they were burning as well as my face that was heating up in anger. If they laid a hand on her I would kill them. I would kill them all.

"Ahh," a hauntingly familiar voice said. I looked up to see a man drapped in a purple coat with an embroidered black sash. On his head sat a kingly looking sailor's hat with plumage flying high. His eyes were hidden by the shadow of his cap, his hands scarred and tough, some fingers missing a peice here and there. At his side were numerous weapons. As I counted I came to a grand number of seven that I could see. This included five differently sized blades and two guns, all of which looked to be in perfect condition.

With one manacing step after another he made his way closer and closer. Each man that he passed bowed low including Stouts, though Hawk found no need to move.

"Ahh, Acton, good seeing you again my son," the monster grinned baring all of his remaining teeth, some of which had been replaced by gold and silver moldings. My ears perked up when he said son.

Wait. Perhaps that was just a term he was using. Perhaps it wasn't by blood. I looked back and forth between the two and saw an unbelivable resemblance. I couldn't believe it. How had I not seen it before?

I was in far too much shock to say anything, so I was glad when Emmie spoke up.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here." Her voice was colder than I'd ever heard it, so much so it sounded alien to me. Not even when we'd met had she behaved so hostile. Not even when she'd been attacking me.

"Oh, the usual I guess," the monster shrugged as he neared us. As he looked up to reveal his golden eyes, I resisted the flashbacks and the urge to squirm. "Destroying your life."

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