Chapter 1

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"Casey!" Severide screamed trying to grab a hold of Casey who was about to fall into one of the darkest fires they had ever seen. "Chief! I need some help!" Severide said, everyone hearing him through the radios. Not even two seconds after, Gabby put on her mask and ran into the building. She ran over to Severide to help the love of her life not die. "CASEY!!!" As soon as he heard her voice he knew that he had to be strong and pull himself up.He used all the strength he had and with the help of Severide and Gabby, he got pulled up back onto the floor. As they all ran out of the building, Matt took Gabby and put his hands on her shoulders and connected eye contact with her and yelled at her saying, "DON'T YOU EVER RUN INTO A BURNING BUILDING WITHOUT CONSENT!!" "I was worried about you are you okay?!" Gabby asked with her heart beating out of her chest. "I'm okay but i wont be okay until you promise me that you'll never risk your life for me, as long as you are under my command." He replied not trying to yell at her but just trying to make sure that she was safe. "I promise." She said as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it assuring that she was serious. "KELLY?!" Sylvie screamed as she ran over to Kelly as she buried her face in his coat. he stroked the back of her head and said "I'm Fine Baby. And you have Dawson to thank for that. Shes shaping up to be one hell of a firefighter. Chief looked at Kelly and yelled "Kelly!! Nice job." "Well it wasn't just me. it was Dawson too." Kelly looked at Dawson as she was discreetly smiled when she looked down.  Then  Matt ordered everyone to pack up and head to the house._____________________________________________________________________

as they got back to the house, Gabby looked at Matt as he hopped out of the truck, he winced out of pain and held onto his shoulder. As he walked into the firehouse,Gabby stopped and thought about him and realized he had lied to her about being hurt. So she followed him inside. Matt could feel a figure with dainty steps behind him and he turned around to face his beautiful wife's Dark brown eyes, filled with worry. " many times do i have to tell you that i am fine?" He said to her. "Okay when we are on shift, its one thing for you to be my lieutenant. But when your hurt its my responsibility as your wife to be worried about you. Dont play tough around me because im smarter than that to believe that you are fine." Gabby said with her attitude. Matt turned around and started walking back to his office, Gabby still following him.  "Gabby! What can i possibly do for you to make you believe That i am fine!!?" Matt said starting to get angry. "Care for Me." "How can i possibly do something that i already am?" Matt said Gabby replied sitting closer to Matt. "By Being honest with me and not lying to me" She said slowly and gently kissing his lips and she felt him shiver. She pulled back and whispered, "Damn. I love you." I promise you. I'm hurt but its not severe." "Honey, your worse than hurt." Gabby said. "What  do you want me to do?! Call an ambo?! That sounds good to Me." she said. Matt rolled his eyes and looked at her and said, "How bout this Baby. After shift i will go get checked out but if something goes wrong and i dint get cleared for my will be your fault." Gabby stood up in shock and raised her voice yelling at Matt, "How it it MY fault for making sure that my husband is Okay?!" Matt looked at her and did nothing but scoff at her. "Gabs," He tried to say but he got cut off by her saying, "Fine Matt. Do what you want to. I really don't give a damn. but don't come crying to me when your injury becomes severe and you didnt have the guts to go see a doctor. Just so you know i was just trying to make sure your safe!!" Gabby yelled as she stomped out of Matt's office, Matt watching her storm Away, thinking to himself, 'What did i Just do?' Turning his chair around and continuing with his accident report.  ______________________________________________________________________________

Gabby was pissed as she speed walked down the hallway, her hearty beating out of her, and her face red, from holding back her tears. She walked into the kitchen and Grabbed a cup of coffee, Severide staring at her. He flashed a fake smile at her and she flashed one back. He walked over to her and asked, "Gabs, You okay?" "Yeah..why do you ask?" HE replied and said,"Well it looks like your getting ready to cry. What did Matt do this time?" he asked as he put his arm around her and walked her to the common room to have a private conversation. When they entered the room, Gabby had a tear stream down her face. He looked at her and hugged her and said, "Shh. Gabby. Tell me what happened." She wiped the tear from under her eyes and sniffled. "Matt just seams so stubborn. HE tries to act tough around me so i don't worry about him. I feel like ever since i became a firefighter, he doesn't love me as much as he used to. we used to just have that spark. And it seems like its fading." As she finished her sentence, she started crying again. Kelly looked at her as she was crying and he knew he had to fix this. "Gabby. One thing that i know that is for sure is that Matt is in love with you. And he always will be even when it doesn't seem like it sometimes. I think your reading to far into this." He tried to finish saying but got interrupted by her saying, "OH so now your on his side?!" Kelly's eyes widening. She had another tear fall and she said, "I'm sorry." Kelly looked at her again and said, "Gabs, you know you'll always have me to talk to right?" "I Know. Thank you." She said as she hugged him, right them, Sylvie walked in. "Hey what are you doing hugging my Fiance?!" Sylvie asked in a joking way. "Love trouble." Kelly explained. "Oh im not so sure its ALL love trouble that is affecting you." Sylvie set down her basked of laundry and walked over to her and said, "Damn it seems like he is always messing something up huh darlin?" She said as she hugged Gabby. "Ha ha. But he means well" Gabby replied. "SO! wanna come do some...Laundry with me?" Sylvie said as she pursed her lips. Gabby started to walk out of the room and she yelled at them, "Damn you two just get a room already!!". Kelly smiled at Sylvie as he pulled her in and kissed her._________________________________________________________________________________

Gabby walked down the hallway and looked through the glass that was blocking Her from touching him and being in his embrace. She observed him every move. he had his head resting on his hand as he was trying to focus on his accident report. But she knew that he was distracted by the fight he had with his wife. But she didnt want to give in and look weak. She didnt want to look like she needed a man to survive because she knew that she was tougher than that. She continued walking down the hallway till she reached her bunk. She laid down staring at the ceiling until she started to fall asleep. What she thought was going to be a peaceful rest, turned into a nightmare that seemed like she could not get out of.  

I stumbled through the building that was up in flames. Everything seemed fine. I was trained for this. Until i heard the noise and i knew exactly what was next. I jumped down and laid on the floor as i watched the fire come closer and closer to me. When i thought it couldn't get any worse, i heard the sound of my alarm that reminded me, that my oxygen tank was empty. I looked up as i saw the ash falling in my face. i tried to breathe in air. But i couldn't. I kept choking until i couldn't breathe anymore. 

She screamed as she woke up. Matt knew something was up. He ran over to her and sat next to her. She started-bursting into tears. Matt knew that whatever fight they had, she wouldn't care about right now. "Shhhh...." He said softly to her as he rubbed her back and rocked her back and forth. She rested her head on his shoulder and sniffled her nose. She pulled back and looked at Matt with tears in her eyes. He didnt need to say anything he just leaned in and kissed her softly. She rested her forehead on his and whispered, "I'm sorry Matt..." He cut her off and told her, "No. Its not your fault." She sniffled her nose again, blinking letting a tear fall from her eyelashes. "We can do this. You and me." HE replied back to her, "You and me" He continued kissing her until she calmed down, Getting lost in the moment.

Dedicated and credit given to my good friend Alina Reynolds. Thank you for Being such an amazing writer!!!

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