Chapter 10

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Gabbys P.O.V.
As soon as i started to walk inside to talk to Matt, the alarm went off
'Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61 Apartment Fire
2310 West Kenton'
We all ran to the trucks. I grabbed my coat and went to sit in my seat. And of course....Emily was in it. "Howard, this is my Seat." I said standing on the edge of the truck. Casey turned around and looked at me. "Dawson, candidates first shift. Find a new seat." I exhaled a deep breath, and went around to the other side of the truck and got inside. As soon as I sat down, Emily looked at me with her blue eyes, that had a look that said, 'Now who's the bad one?' I just rolled my eyes and looked away. I needed to focus on my work. This was my first fire not being a candidate so I won't be treated like a baby. We climbed out of the truck and some guy ran up to Matt. "HELP!! My entire family is in there on the third floor!! Please help them!!!" And Matt directed us to what to do. "Dawson, take Emily and show her how to a primary search in the fifth floor." I nodded and Emily looked at him and said, "Yes lieutenant" and winked at him. I swear if she made one more flirty gesture i was gonna shoot her. We put our masks on, and went inside. "Candidate, stay low, and stay in arms reach at all times got it?" I said. "Got it." She ran in the building way in front of me and I yelled, "CANDIDATE!! ARMS REACH!!" She walked back to me, and continued waking forward. I heard something change in the atmosphere and I knew there was gonna be a backdraft. "HOWARD STOP!" I yelled but she kept walking, causing the floor to crash underneath our feet, me Falling through the ground, rubble and ash falling on top of me. She looked down at me and ran out the front door. I grabbed my radio, pulling it close to my face, "Mayday Mayday!! I'm trapped on the 4th floor!!!" I said desperately trying to breathe. I tried gasping for another breath of air and i heard the beep sound that alarmed me, I was out of air.
Matts P.O.V.
I saw a huge cloud of black smoke escape from the window of the building, knowing the candidate and my wife were still in there. I saw a figure emerging from the front door and it was Emily. "EMILY!? WHERES DAWSON?!"
She took off her mask, breathless and said, "She fell through the floor! I just imagined to save myself and leave her there then both of us just leave!!" And i knew this was one of our worst candidates. I put on my mask and ran into the building, trying to follow the sound of her alarm, and I found her. She was laying on the ground with a ginormous piece of ceiling on top of her her helmet on the ground , her chest not moving up and down, telling me she wasn't breathing. I clipped a rope on top of me and handed it to Herrmann and Cruz, as I jumped down the hole. I lifted the piece of cement off of her and took off my mask and placed it on her face. I started compressions on her chest and I heard her take a deep breath. "GABBY!!" She looked at me and said, "I'm okay I'm okay." I nodded and tugged on the wire 2 times telling them to pull us up. They pulled us up and I put my arm around her back, helping her through the flames. We got outside and i walked her over to the gurney. Paramedics from 66 asked her multiple questions like, 'Take deep breaths for me' and 'Are you feeling any pain' she did what she was told. "She inhaled a bit of smoke but she's fine. We don't need to transport her to the hospital. Just keep an eye on her for a while." The paramedic said to me. The Ambo drove away with the other victims. I looked at Gabby and said, "You NEVER leave a candidate alone in a burning building!!!" I was mad. This was our candidates first shift, first fire, and what does Gabby do? She leaves her in there ALONE!!
She looked at me tears in her eyes and said, "I could have just died in there and all your worried about is how I'm treating your candidate?!" She said, her voice was raspy, like she was having trouble talking. "Yes I am. This girl is brand new! Do you expect her to be an expert?" I asked her, my voice rising. She just shook her head and walked away.

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