Chapter 5

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Matt's P.O.V.
I learned that I was gonna have a baby. I was shocked. But I know that this is the perfect time. Me and gabby haven't been getting along very well and I think this baby will be the thing that pulls us back together. I am literally so excited. My wife is pregnant. With my child... and I suddenly realized that in about 8 months, both of our lives are changing forever. In the most amazing way. I was in the kitchen cooking up some pasta for gabby and the baby. And she walked in. And she had a look on her face like she was really sick. I put my arm around her and said, " feeling alright?" She closed her eyes and said, "um. fine. I'm gonna eat and I think I'll lay down for a bit." I was worried. I knew something was up and I wanted to know but I don't want to pressure her like I did last time so I just let it slide. I put some noodles on a plate and handed it to her as she was sitting down on the couch. She took the fork and started to put it in her mouth, and suddenly, something went wrong. She dropped the plate on the ground and clenched herself into a ball, groaning in pain. "Oh god..." I said. I didnt know what to do even though i save lives every day, its harder seeing the one you love being in severe pain, and risking the life of your unborn baby. I asked her, "Can you walk baby?" She barley had enough strength to nod her head no. I told her, "I'm calling an ambulance." i ran up and got my phone and dialed the number as fast as i could. It was unusual seeing 911 on the screen of my phone. I grabbed her hand and told her, "Squeeze the pain into me..your gonna be fine, both of you." And the operator answered the phone, "911 whats your emergency?" I replied with little breath, "My uh, my wife Gabriela Dawson, shes in her first trimester of her pregnancy, and suddenly just broke out into sudden pain...i don't know what to do. My name is Matt Casey Firehouse 51, badge # 1738."The reporter said, "Okay we are sending an ambulance to your apartment." I commented, "Please make it quick." and i hung up. And Gabby just kept squeezing my hand harder and harder every minute which alarmed me that she was in worse and worse pain every minute. After about 6 minutes passed, the ambulance pulled up and the paramedics rushed into the apartment. A female paramedic put gabby onto a backboard, and said, "Shes not breathing. We need to tube her." They tubed her and she had a bag hanging from her, helping her breath. One of the paramedics looked at me and said, This is her first trimester?" I replied and said, "Yeah, shes only 6 weeks..." And they both got a terrifying look on her face. "We need to get her to med. Now." I looked at them and they said, "Your wife is in a very serious condition. We need you to follow us in a separate vehicle." I ran and got my keys and got in my truck, following behind the Ambulance. They were there very quickly. They rushed her inside and i ran in behind them. I was told to stay behind. And they made me wait in the waiting room. I waited and a doctor finally came up to me and said, "It looks like your wife is experiencing a rare condition known as an Ectopic Pregnancy. It happens to about 7.2 percent of women every year. An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the uterus, typically in a Fallopian tube. Unfortunately, the fetus will not be able to be recovered.We gave her the operation of Salpingostomy. She is currently asleep, and when she does wake up, she will be in pain. She will need you by her side every minute of it. For every woman who goes through this experience, go through a stage of depression and mental and physical health problems. So you will need to be there for her when she finds out what happened." I sat in shock and looked at the doctor and asked, "Can i go back and sit with her till she wakes up?" The doctor nodded yes and said, "Room 23" I ran down to that room and saw her laying there motionless, it made me realize that i have gotten mad at her so many times and i never realized how much of a bitch i was being to my pregnant wife. I sat down in the chair next to her, and very gently grabbed her hand very carefully and waited till she woke up. I looked at her hands, and they didnt look like the Gabby i married. They were so lifeless. And cold. I was always so used to her being so warm and vulnerable, but at the same time, the bad-ass firefighter i created. I told her, "Hey darlin, I...I feel terrible for what happened. I know it wasn't either of our faults. But i want you to know, i love you so much. I have been such a jerk to you and i never realized how much i was overreacting. And now i realize, that after this has happened, we need to take life for granted. You could've died back in that surgery room. But look at you. You are pulling trough. And ill be here for you every step of your recovery." And after i finished talking, She squeezed my hand and rolled her head towards me. She had the most heartbreaking look on her face. the first thing she said to me was, "Matt...What happened to the Baby..." And my heart just shattered. I Told her, "Gabby. This is what happened darling. You were having an ectopic pregnancy." And as soon as she heard those two words, She started breathing heavily and her eyes started tearing up. I could tell she was trying to stay strong. And He hated seeing her like this. I was the husband who couldn't be his wife's hero.

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