Chapter 6

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Matts P.O.V.

Gabby finally decided to open up and talk to me about this whole thing...This is what she said.

"I-I've always had this fantasy. Since i was a little girl. That i was gonna, find the perfect man, Find a little house....Fix it up together...have a beautiful life together. And come to find out... i was pregnant, i thought that fantasy was finally coming true..." she said to me With tears slowly falling down the corners of her eyes. I didnt know what to say, but i always remembered what my dad had always told me. When the woman you love is in pain, don't leave her there, all alone and feeling like she doesn't have a shoulder to cry on. Tell her the opposite of what shes feeling. So i did. "Gabs... you know my life with you is already perfect. Right?" She replied to me with more tears welding up in her eyes, "Matt..I got a taste of motherhood..and being pregnant..and i liked it. And i know how hard this is for you, i mean, you've wanted kids your whole life..." And the perfect thing came to my mind. "I want you Gabs." Tears falling down her face, she smiled and let out a slight giggle. She kissed me and i felt her vulnerability. I knew that she wanted kids so bad. But i didnt want this to happen to her again and next time not be so lucky. When we lost our baby, yes it was heart-shattering. But if i lost my girl. Damn i cant imagine life without Gabby. I seriously cant. And i look over to gabby and after about 5 minutes, she is out like a light, gently resting her head on my shoulder. Her hand interlaced with mine. I kissed her on the forehead and laid my head on hers as we were resting on the hospital bed. I started to fall asleep and i allowed myself to. I have been through a hell of a lot in the past 6 hours. I deserve a few hours with my wife, appreciating the life that i am living.

Severides P.O.V.

I heard about gabby and the baby and i decided to head up to the hospital and visit them. I walked up to their room and saw them sleeping and it was so adorable. They looked like the perfect couple that you would dream of having when your 6 years old. Gabby was Laying on Matt's shoulder and his shoulder around her back. Gabbys hand intertwined with Matt's and resting on his chest. So i decided to do something that i knew would make them both smile. I took out my phone and took a picture. It was literally the cutest picture i had ever seen. I took it, and got it printed and framed. And bought them a bouquet of flowers to leave by their bed stand. I wrote a note that said, "Hey guys, i know it is a really rough time but just remember, One day you guys are gonna make amazing parents. Just remember guys. Your day is coming. -Severide. I brought it upstairs to their room and left it next to Gabbys bed and quietly left and shut the door. When i was walking down the stairs, someone ran into me. Beautiful girl, long brown swaying when she walked, beautiful Blue-grey eyes, Long eyelashes, flawless skin, and a sweater with skintight jeans, boots and a scarf. I accidentally ran into her and knocked her on the floor. "Oh my god im so sorry." I exclaimed to her as i offered her my hand. "Oh its totally fine i promise." She replied back with a smile on her face. " Kelly Severide." I said to her shaking her hand. And she replied to me, "Mia Parker." I shook her hand back and smiled. "What are you coming up here for?" she asked me. "Oh my, my best friend, his wife, she..." I started to say and she cut me off. "The one with the ectopic pregnancy. I heard." I was shocked. "How did you know?" I asked her, "Oh the front desk mistaken their room for mine and they asked me if i was family of Gabby Dawson the woman who lost her baby." She replied with a smile on her face. "Oh okay ha ha. Well what are you here for?" I asked. "My best friend got in a car accident." "Wait the one on 24th street intersection?" I asked interrupting her. "Yeah how did you know?" She asked. And i replied, "I work at firehouse 51, i pulled you best friend Kendall right? I pulled her out of that car." She looked shocked and took out a pen and a peice of paper. "Heres my number. How bout you give Me a call sometime?" She said as she handed me the piece of paper. I replied back and said, "okay sounds good." She smiled and walked to her best friends room. I walked down the stairs and out to my car it was freezing cold outside and it was snowing. Once again. I drove home and went inside. On the counter there was a note from Sylvie saying 'Hey babe I went to the grocery store to get a few things for dinner. Be back in a bit Love ya, -Sylvie '
I placed it back on the counter and went to sit on the couch. I took it that peice of paper out of my pocket and just stared at it. Did I want to maintain my relationship with Sylvie and have a happy life without Kids? Or start an new life with kids and a wife?

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