Chapter 8

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Gabby Got in her car, rushing over to Severidses house. She walked in and saw Sylvie laying in Kelly's arms on the ground, surrounded by red and white pills on the ground of the white tile. She ran over, tears in her eyes and whispered, "Sylvie...." she kneeled down and let her rest her head on her shoulder, she looked at Kelly and mouthed to him, 'Call 9-1-1.'
He took out his phone and dialed. Gabby heard Sylvie weeping and breathing heavily as she let out another Loud sob. She was worried. She couldnt lose another friend. She wrapped her arms around her and rocked her back and forth. It brought her back to a horrible part of her childhood. But she shook it off and whispered to her, shhhhh...and that's when the Ambulance arrived. "What do we have here?" They asked and Gabby turned and looked at Kelly. He spoke up and said, "Uh- I uh- I came home and she had left me a suicide note and I found her in the bathroom trying to OD on pills. I took them out of her hand and called Gabby and that's when you came." The paramedics placed her on the gurney and Kelly stood in the center of his house, staring at Sylvie being our into the ambulance. He knew what had been done . And he hated it.
Gabby got in the back of the ambulance with another female Paramedic and stood next to Sylvie. The paramedic yelled to her partner, "Paige.....This girl already downed at least 24 vikeden. She was pregnant and she killed her baby. We need to get to Med, now!" Gabbys heart started beating out of her chest and she couldn't believe what she had just heard. They pulled up to Med and the paramedics told her, "you have to go wait in the waiting room." She ran to the other Side of the hospital quickly dialing Matt. She held the phone up to her ear waiting to hear his voice on the phone. She was out of breath. Trying her hardest to keep from crying. And she heard him say, "Gabby?! Are you okay where are you?! I'm worried about you baby!" She was breathing heavily and said, "I uh I'm at Chicago Med. Stuff happened with Sylvie and Kelly. I need you Matt, please." "I'm on my way darling. Just hold on. I love you." Matt said to her running to his truck and speeding to Chicago Med. Gabby stood in front of the entrance of chicago med every breath she took, making a cloud of breath in the air from the cold air. She looked to her right and saw Matts truck screeching across the frozen tar. He pulled into a parking lot. He hopped out of his truck and slammed the door. He ran up to gabby who was standing in front of the hospital in a pair of ugg boots, jeans, a brown longsleeve shirt, a white scarf and her hair pulled to the right side of her head in a side pony. He arrived in front of her and he ran over to her and picked her up and spun her around. She placed her back on the ground and tried to release her, but she held on tighter. He asked her, "Gabby?" And a few seconds later he heard her release a loud sob. He asked her, "Gabs are you okay?" And she replied saying, "No. Just hold me please." And he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back saying, "Shhh. Everything is gonna be okay baby. I promise." She was in his embrace and as soon as she felt him holding her she just bursted. He pulled her head off of his shoulder. And looked into her eyes and said, "You know I love you more than anything right?" She nodded and kissed him she was breathless, she pulled back and said, "I've had a really bad day today, and uh you always have a way to cheer me up and leave me breathless."
"Thats why I married you. Besides all your perfect features. Your eyes. Lips. Hair. Everything." She smiled and quietly let out a giggle. He carried her into the door and placed her on the floor and grabbed her hand as they walked over to the check in office. "I need an update on Sylvie Arlene Brett." Gabby said. "She OD on Vikeden. She had a procedure to get all the meds out of HER system before they destroyed anything else interally. Unfortunately, she did kill her newly conceived baby. Shes in room 28 and they are allowing visitors." Gabby nodded still holding on to matts hand. Squeezing it making him look down at her, she said to him, "you dont leave me alone in there with her. Got it?" He nodded and continued walking down the hallway. They arrived at room 28 and nocked. "Sylvie?" Gabby said as she started walking into the room. She said, "Im a horrible person." And gabby let go of Matts hand and walked over to her and leaned over and hugged her. She sobbed into Gabbys shoulder as she mumbled, "I killed a mini me...." gabby sat down next to her and said, "Listen. You may have accidentally done THAT. But that doent change anything about The amazing Sylvie Brett that I know. Your a bad ass and I know you can push through this. I did when I was 19, I was suicidal. But I realized, how important I actually was to everyone. And that is EXACTLY what you need to remember. You need to talk to Severide okay? Ill go grab him." Gabby walked out with Matt and said, "Kelly. Listen. Use the wise words I know you have and convince her how MUCH of an amazing person she is." Kelly walked into her room and she was sitting with her knees pulled to her chest. Kelly walked over to her empty side of her bed and said, "Sylvie...You know I love you so much right. I want you to know that you will always be my baby girl. My princess. And I love you so much." She leaned forward and kissed him. He grabbed her face with both of his hands and continued making the kiss deeper. She soon spoke between kisses. "And you will always be my Prince."
Gabby and Matt were waiting in the waiting room AND heard Kelly's speech . Matt grabbed her hand and said, "you DID that darling." She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. Laying her legs on his knees. Closing her eyes.

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