Chapter 7

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When we got back to the mansion I saw that Ben guy sitting on the sofa playing video games and I walked to the sofa and sat down

"Hello" Ben said "Hi" I said and he went back to what he is doing then after a few minutes someone texted me
I opend my phone and looked at it

It read

Stranger: hey how you doin?

Me: I'm fine who is this?

Stranger: its me scar:

Me: oh Hi why were you so eager to get my number?

Scar: because I like you.

Me: I just met you.

Scar: I know but we can meet up and get to know each other.

Me: I don't think my dad will like this.

Scare: tell him your going too meet a friend

Me: I guess it couldn't hurt.

Scare: great see you soon meet me in the woods

Me: OK

And I walked to my dad's room "dad?" I called "yes?" He asked "can I go and meet a friend?" I asked "why?" He asked

"So we can hang out" I said after a while of arguing​ he finally gave in "you can go but take smile with you," Jeff said

"OK thanks daddy" I said and hugged him he hugged back "just be careful we live in sick times" Jeff said "OK" I said and I fetched smile

I walked downstairs and saw smile laying by the window I walked over to him "hey boy do you want to go for a walk?" I asked and he quickly got up and started to shake his tail

"Alright we are going to meet someone but stay cautious OK?" I asked he nodded his head and we walked an hour passed and I finally found him

"Hello there" he said "hi" I said "now why do you want to get to know me?" I asked "because I like you the moment I laid eyes on you" he said

Smile was behind the tree listening in case he tried to do anything funny and he then walked closer to me I then backed up he kept walking until I backed up into a tree

"I see you don't trust me" he said "I did meet you like a few hours ago" I stated "understandable" he said " want you to trust me" he said

"We can be great friends and maybe so much more" he said then smile came from around the tree in human form and scar saw him "who are you?" Scar asked

"Smile its fine at the moment" I said and smile nodded and backed away "we should go out on a date sometime" he said "that would be a bad idea" I said

"Why?" 1) I haven't been on a date before 2) I just meet you 3) my dad will end up killing you" I said "I need to get back to my home" I said

"Aww" he said "smile lets get going" I said and he nodded and turned into his husky form "I'll see you later" I said and walked away back to the mansion

When we got back Jeff was waiting at the door "so what did you and this friend talk about?" Jeff asked "nothing" i said

He nodded his head and asked one more question "how dose he know you?" Jeff asked "I met him while killing," I said "don't let people live" Jeff said I nodded and walked inside and went back to the sofa some laying next to me while I stroked Hi fur

Then I herd jack come downstairs "where have you been?" Jack asked "I was meeting someone" I said "it doesn't happen to be that guy dose it?" He asked

"It was and we were just talking nothing more" I said and I walked to my room and closed the door and before I made it to my bed I herd scratching at my door

I walked over and unlocked and opend it and saw smile waiting I giggled and let him in and I got on my bed and laid down

I then saw smile laying on the ground and I saw a pic of paper under his paw "smile what is that?" I asked and he got up and handed me the paper it read

Smiles letter

I have been protecting your mother for years t make sure she was safe and now since she doesn't need me to protect her I decided I was going to

Help keep her child safe and that was the best decision I ever made and I hope you don't mind me being around to keep you safe

And keep you company

Sincerely smile.

I looked down at smile and I got off my bed and hugged him "I don't mind and I love having you around and always will" I said

He rested his head on my shoulder and I let go of him and got back in my bed "smile want to sleep on the bed tonight?" I asked he turned into his dog form and hoped up

And laid on my legs and we both fell asleep.

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