Chapter 56

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Right as we walked out of the building me and sharlet and Chris were surrounded by a group of boys "hey there girls were do you think your going?" One of them asked

"None of your business" I hissed "a feisty one" one of the others said and I crossed my arms over my chest the others we shaking "leave her alone" Chris said and punched one of the guys

Then the guy retaliated and swung and hit Chris knocking him down "I'll fight all of you by myself" I taunted with a smirk "oh really?" He aksed and I started to laugh maniacally

"This bitch is crazy" I herd one of the boys say I smiled revealing my sharp teeth and I opend my eyes to reveal my red and white eyes

"That dosnt scare me" the leader said "you should be scared" I said and lunged at the leader and punched him in the jaw dislocating it and then the others came to fight me off there were 4 including the leader

One tried to swing at me but I grabbed his arm and broke it to were his bone was sticking out he screamed in agony and the others ran away dragging the two I took down

"Wow that was amazing" sharlet said "my mom has been teaching me self defense" I said "that's the women with the pale skin and black hair and black eyes?" She asked "yes" I said and I walked over and helped him up "you OK?" I asked "yes I'm fine thanks" he said and we began walking to Emily's house

After we walked in I smelled food and I saw the table was set with dinner I herd my phone buzz and I opend it "I need to talk to you" was across the screen then Ben jumped out "what is it?" I asked "the battle is tomorrow!" Ben said and I nodded and he put a hand on my shoulder

"Are you ready to win this thing?" He asked "yes" I said and he hugged me I hugged back and he jumped back into my phone

And I ate dinner and after the dinner we all went upstairs and got ready for bed then all went to sleep but I was unable a wave of anger swiped across my body and I got out of the bed and walked downstairs

And out of the house it was dark and it was cold out I then started to walked down the street then I herd a noise behind me I walked then it was on the side I continued walking I know he was watchin me

"Come out crane" I said and I was pounced on by a black wolf with red eyes when it grinned its teeth had red on them "better?" He asked "much" I said and he chuckled

"Why are you following me?" I asked "cause I want to" he said "well stop I don't want you following me" I said and he got off me "that battle is tomorrow are you prepared to choose?" He asked "yes" I said and he chuckled "no your not" he said and walked off into the woods.

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