Chapter 9

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I woke up and smile was already up starring at me "what's the matter?" I asked and his grin grew wider "want to come killing with me?" I asked

And his tail started to wag "I'll take that as a yes'" I said chuckling I got up and looked in my bathroom mirror and saw I had a design kind of tattoo on my left arm

I looked at it for a few minutes then did my daily routine like shower brush hair brush teeth E.t.c

And after I was done with that I went downstairs for some breakfast I sat down jack sat down next to me and everybody started to fill the table

"Dose anybody else sense that?" slendy asked "no what?" Everyone asked "I feel a significant amount of power in this room" slendy said

I looked down and got up and smile quickly followed me and we ran for the door then I herd slendy yell "Jeff get her I need to talk to her" slendy yelled

"Josie come here" Jeff said I ignored it and smile came up next to me and I jumped on his back and he ran out the door

Then we ran into the forest before we left the forest smile transformed into his human form and I just tucked my wings in and put my hood over my head

And we walked to the orphanage and we knocked on it three times "I'm coming hold on" I herd Helen say then I herd the door unlock

"Yes?" Helen asked "its me" I said and pulled down my hood "josie its so good to see you" she said and looked at smile

"Who are you sir?" She asked "he's my friend who is taking care of me" I said

And she nodded and walked in and allowed me to walk in and she brought me to her office and we started to talk "how is your mother and father?" She asked

"Do you know them?" I asked "yes Jane was my friend who lived next door to me and Jeff I didn't really know Jane left you here for me to take care of because of some issues with the other pastas" she said

"They said they felt a huge amount of power in me and I got scared of what they will do to me so I ran" I said "they will never hurt you" she said

"And besides they have there hands full already" she said "with?" I asked "zalgo and the others zalgo has been recruiting other pastas to get you they were trying to get Jane but then to came" she said

"Your more powerful than all of them you are the only one of your kind I'm pretty sure you already talked to Zeus and Hades am I wrong?" She asked "your right I already talked to them" I said

"They will help you until you die" she said "ok" I said and I got up and I saw smile sitting on a bench and I walked over to him

"Let's go honey" I said and he followed me when we walked out of the orphanage I sat down and was approached by a man that had brown hair blue eyes

He looked familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it "hello there sweetie" he said "I'm hi" I said "why did you run away?" He asked "I don't know" I said

"Come with me josie" he said "why who are you?" I asked "its me" he said "Jeff" I whispered "yes" he said "I've been worried sick about you" he said

"I'm sorry" I said and began to tier up and I looked down "its OK just come with me you to smile" he said and smile followed us

"Now tell me why did you run?" I asked "when slendy said he sense power I got scared because the god of gods and the ruler of the underworld talked to me and told me I'll be stronger than everyone" I said

"I'll never hurt you I'll protect you with my life smile will and Jane we will all protect you" he said "thanks dad" I said "any time" Jeff said

And we walked back to the mansion in silence.

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